Saturday, November 24, 2012

Let Them Eat Turkey!

Thanksgiving dinner most definitely happened here. I think I am still full from it.
 We ate outside, which was awesome. It was in the eighties, and I loved every second of it! (You know I love everything having to do with the 80's...temperature, decade, music, those born in the decade...) My job was to create the veggie tray that looked like a turkey.
 Who said eating healthy wasn't fun? I think I may have a future in food art. Don't you? I was actually pretty close to my paleo self with my turkey day meal. The one exception being my mom's corn bread stuffing, which is absolutely to die for.
 My other standard Turkey day job is to roll out the rolls. I may or may not have made some as large as footballs...your welcome family. My nephew Blake, threw down about five of them...nbd.
 Yes, that is a roll in his hands. It is smothered in my mom's homemade jam. Elaine doesn't disappoint! I had so much fun spending the day with my family, and then of course getting to relax with a full tummy!
 The Smith Family turns out some good people, I must say.
We spent a lot of the day playing games. Our traditional bocce tourney was so much fun...maybe because I won...
And let's be honest, I don't hate winning at all... ;)
 It was such a great holiday! I have so much to be grateful for! I hope your holiday was just as fabulous! :)


  1. You are so dang cute!!! I am happy you had a great thanksgiving!

  2. You are so stinking cute! I'm so jealous of the 80 degree weather!!! Our weather wasn't too cold, but we definitely did NOT eat outside. Now I want stuffing and rolls....and your veggie turkey!
