Sunday, January 6, 2013

It's time. Get rid of it.

With the holidays comes a plethora of goodies. All sorts of tasty treats that we usually don't indulge in seem to make their way to our kitchen counters, and very frequently into our mouths. Now, I am all about moderation when it comes to eating and exercising...and I think that there is nothing wrong with allowing for occasional indulgences. HOWEVER, it seems that with the holidays there are so many reasons to indulge they become far more than occasional. As the holidays come to an end there are many thoughts of improving eating and exercise habits. This is a great thing to aspire for. With that being said, I have a little piece of advice for you.

Create for yourself a setting for success. If you have holiday treats and candies adorning your shelves and countertops, the chances of you walking by them and snagging a bite or two are a lot greater. With extra bites of treats and goodies you are stunting your progress towards improvement! So...My advice to you is to GET RID OF IT. All of it. Deplete your home of the temptations that are stopping you from getting where you want to be. I bet there is a lot of junk that you will never even miss. Do a pantry/fridge clean out of the foods that aren't doing much for you and replace them with the healthy and nutritious foods that will benefit you!
Tis the season for healthy food choices and achieving your goals!

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