Monday, January 24, 2011

Let's Get Positive: White Bean Chicken Chili

I was told tonight, January 24th, is "the worst day of winter," and it all gets better from here. Apparently, it is at this point in the winter that there isn't much to look forward to by way of holiday excitement, people start realizing they are failing at their new years resolutions...again, and taxes begin to flood people's minds. Yikes...BUT, I guess if today is supposed to be the worst that means we're headed back towards happiness. I like the sound of that.

How are you doing on your New Years Resolutions or Goals so far? This is a great time for evaluation and even recharging your motivation. Unfortunately, far too many people mess up once or twice and they throw the towel in. Don't let that be your fate. If you have slipped up, don't let it get you down. Look at the positive things you've done to try and change or improve, and build on those things. Don't beat yourself up. Stay positive.

I watched my sister's kids last week and she had some delicious leftover white bean chicken chili in her fridge that I had for lunch. It reminded me of this super easy, tasty, HEALTHY recipe that I have for the same chili. What sounds better in the winter than some warm soup?

Low-Fat White Bean Chicken Chili
1 medium onion, chopped
1-1/2 cups cooked shredded chicken (You could use a rotisserie chicken to save time)
2 cans chopped green chilies
3-1/4 cups green enchilada sauce
2 cans whit beans or pinto beans
3 cups water
1 tbsp chili powder
1-1/2 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper

Combine chicken, onion, chili powder, cumin, salt, pepper in pot until onion is tender. Add water, enchilada sauce, chilies and beans. Allow to simmer for 20-30 mins, until flavor combines. E-A-S-Y. This recipe makes about ten servings and each serving is about 120 calories and 10 grams of protein. AWESOME. This would be delicious served with my easiest wheat bread ever.

What is your favorite soup? I LOVE tomato basil and minestrone. How are you doing on your new years resolutions? I am doing great so far!! We're going into week for of the competition at work, and I'm feeling great. :)


  1. Oooh this chili sounds delish! Making it!

  2. I love Thai soups! Tom Kha is my fav. I am doing great on my goals. Just have to come back to them often to keep myself on track.

  3. The chili looks yummy and not too difficult to make. My resolutions are going pretty well so far, and I've already tackled a sub 1:45 half marathon, so now I can focus on other goals. I feel like 2011 is going to be a great year for me!
    With your dedication you are going to do so well and win that competition!

  4. I didn't have an actual resolution, but I am training for a 10M and than a 1/2 M 3 weeks after that! Training is going well, a little different as it is too cold to run outside much, but I know the weather will improve!

  5. Yesterday is the worst it's going to get? That's FABULOUS news. THANK YOU

  6. I love split pea and ham soup!

    My goals are going awesome!! (thanks for

  7. I WILL BE MAKING THAT SOUP!!! Yay for it only getting warmer!!! GIrl, you are doing more than amazing on your are my number one example! Fave soup is clam chowder (so bad for you ha). So far the NY resolutions are going great....I will get that sub 3 ha! Can't wait to see you tomorrow! Have an amazing day!! How was Red Mango?!?!

  8. I've been looking for a recipe for this soup...I've actually been CRAVING this type of soup!

    My resolutions: To go back to school and work on my novel. So far, neither one of them has happened yet, but that's just because I need the tax refund to get the new laptop.

    Anyway, I'm making that soup tomorrow night for sure and I can't WAIT!

  9. This looks DeLish! Will have to try it. :)

  10. Hi long lost BFF! I have been MIA for almost a week! My other BFF from Nashville is in town still so I haven't read a blog in days. I have some serious catching up to do.

    Don't worry, winter is almost over (not really, but I will try to make you feel better because you're my bff). I wish you and Janae could both move out here and we could be running triplets and we could surf as our cross-training.

    Tell her the plan and pack your bags. :)

  11. That soup looks delish! I'll have to try that one out for sure. You are so positive! I think that lots of people give up after not meeting their goals right away and this is the perfect pep talk. Good job on what you're doing. You're amazing!

  12. I love one-pot meals! They are the best. Can't wait to try it out. :D My favorite soup right now is three cheese cauliflower!

  13. my new years resolutions are coming along! I think I've been addressing 1-2 of them at least each day. My fave soup is crab + corn chowder nomnom

  14. Mmmm...I love tomato basil soup too! I really just love soup in general! I even eat it throughout the summer!

    I am actually doing really well on my goals so far! Great job keeping up w/ yours too! I can't believe the month of January is almost over already!
