Thursday, February 10, 2011

Feeling so fly like a G6.

I have had that song in my head ever since I got on the plane today. I'm so glad that I know that a G6 is a plane now. Today has been somewhat whirlwind-ish.

Wake up: 5:00 AM
First client: 5:45 AM (Side note: It takes me about 15-20 mins to get to work depending on the time of day. I take 5-10 mins to prep my oatmeal. You do the math on how much time I actually spend getting ready for work.) Good thing I get to work at a gym where people welcome you with open arms in gangster sweat pants and a hoodie, which I frequently wear due to the frigid UT temps. Warmth before beauty peeps.
11:30 AM: Leave Elevate
11:50 AM: Finish packing. Eat a Tuna Wrap and steamed veggies. Get dressed into normal people clothes.
12:00 PM: Dad comes to pick me up to leave for the Airport. We listen to the reports of Coach Jerry Sloan resigning as the head coach of the UT Jazz after 23 years. Kinda sad.  
1:00 PM: Arrive at the airport, park, & shuttle.
1:10 PM: Get in line at security.
1:20 PM: Continue to wait in line at security.
1:30 PM: Sa-kurity! SA Kurity... (If you have no idea what that means watch Bon Qui Qui on Youtube.)
1:35 PM: FINALLY make it through security and learn quickly why my dad was a star athlete in high school...aka try to keep up with him as we sprint to our gate. Had to get those heart rates up, because this is my only form of exercise for the day. We'll call it interval work.
1:45 PM: Reach our gate, and walk directly on to the plane.
1:50 PM: Plane departure.
1:51 PM: Megan is asleep.
2:51 PM: Wake up briefly to find a diet coke and some honey roasted peanuts awaiting me. Quick snack break.
2:53 PM: Megan is asleep again. I guess I am one of those people that goes on not much sleep for a while and then apparently crashes when I get to sit down?
3:30 PM: Plane lands in BEAUTIFUL, sunny, warm Arizona. I instantly feel better. I can't tell you what a little blue sky and some rays of sun do for my soul.
4:30 PM: Arrive at my sister Nichole's to chat it up and see the kiddies.
5:15 PM: Arrive at my parents house to find this waiting for me...
I tell you, my mom is darling. She is so great at doing fun little things that make you feel so special. She decorated my dad's mirror as well. I just love her. 
6:30 PM: I also love her when she cooks me dinner. Tonight she whipped up one of our favorite recipes, chicken scampi with whole wheat pasta.
It is healthy, hearty, and has so much flavor. I love it. She paired it with a delicious greek salad, and some fresh berries. 
 My dad had a surprise for my mom as well. It was time to get her some new plates for her car, and he decided he should personalize them. My mom goes about 100 miles an hour. I've mentioned that she works out like a maniac is so involved with friends/neighbors/family, she is over two quilting groups, she is an awesome cook. She is the best mom and grammy, and she is always so positive and happy. It is because of that we call her, "Hurricane Elaine." She tears it up wherever she goes.
 9:20 PM: We ate. I watched the season finale of Friday Night Lights...which if you haven't watched that show jump on board already. It's amazing. I typed up some programs/notes for the trainers who are covering my clients these next couple days, and now I'm ready for bed. I'm so exhausted. I am going to go ahead and soak up this break for all it's worth. I feel like I've worked out all day today, and I didn't for one second. I'm trying to tell myself mentally that this is ok, and I will make up for it with a sweet workout tomorrow. Sometimes our bodies need breaks!!

What is your favorite TV Show? Although I don't always get to watch them, I believe very strongly in Modern Family, The Biggest Loser, The Bachelor, and Friday Night Lights. Modern Family = Laughter. TBL = motivation/inspiration. The Bachelor = guilty pleasure. FNL = pure genious. Do you feel guilty when you miss a workout day? I always take Sundays off and I feel really good about that rest day. Sometimes if I miss a midweek workout I kick myself a little.


  1. i always feel a little guilty when i take a full rest day (and lay in bed or something) but i've gotten better about not beating myself up over it.

    and when my friend first heard that some she thought they were saying "cheesestick" instead of g6!

  2. I get so mad at myself but I totally listen to my body...I get so nervous to push my body too hard and have another stroke...Im a freak! I know!!

    I didnt know you were from Arizona, thats so nice to go home!! There is nothing better than having your momma!! She sounds so cute and I love the hearts on the mirror!

    I die over the bachelor and any other crazy reality show! I also love the office and cop shows, cause my hubb is one!
    Have a great time in Arizona and soak up lots of warmth and sun!!

  3. I love that song! We lift to that in body burn and I am always dancing! I hope you have a great time in Arizona!

  4. Sounds like you had a whirlwind day!! And I love all the hearts on the mirror, how special is that!! And I feel absolutely 110% guilty when I miss a workout. I have been 'resting' this week due to a sprained ankle and it's absolutely killing me NOT to run. I rode the stationary bike and elliptical at the gym and it's just not the same.

    And I am a total reality TV JUNKIE. Bring on The Crazy Train of the Bachelor!!!

  5. Glad you made it safely. I want you to train me! and I love modern family...too funny!

  6. Hurricane Elaine! Love it! She just LOOKS fun!

    I don't watch anything regularly because of my schedule but I like Strange Addictions, I used to be Fat, Intervention. I like The Biggest Loser and American Idol too I guess.

    Yes, I feel very guilty when I miss a workout day or maybe not guilty but not good....If I miss two days I might as well start over because I've lost every ounce of fitness I had....I do take a rest day and I'm OK with that, I struggle more with the "unplanned" rest days!

    Have great time in those warm temps!! Jealous!!!

  7. I LOVE FNL! It' is an amazing show, and I'm so upset it's only got one more season. (For me, since I am behind here in Africa...)

    Riggins would be my future husband if I never met Shane. <3

  8. Your mom is so cute!

    And yes, I feel super guilty when I miss a workout...

  9. Sounds like a lovely family reunion you're having in AZ. Funny I should read your question about guilt as I sit here "resting" before a race instead of working out as I usually do. Guilty? No. Antsy? Oh yeah.

    Keep soaking up those sunrays.

  10. Okay, seriously, what airline were you flying with? The last time I was on a plane they didn't give out any type of snack. No peanuts, no crackers, no nothin'! Just a drink and everything else you had to pay for.

    Traveling is always so exhausting, even though it doesn't expend physical energy.

    My favorite TV shows include King of the Hill, Vampire Diaries, House, Wheel of Fortune, and Dancing with the Stars.

    Definitely feel guilty when I miss a workout day, or when I just put in a measly 20 minutes on the elliptical.

    Oh, and if I decide to try out the motor, I'll just ask my dad if he can install it for me... I can take things apart REALLY well, but the putting back together... well... not so much.

  11. Your parents are so sweet! I love how your mom decorated. Have fun at home and enjoy your sweet family!
    I do feel guilty when I don't work out, but sometimes you need a rest day or can't fit one in. My favorite shows are Desperate Housewives and Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, apparently I'm obsessed with housewives.

  12. Bon Qui Qui is seriously hilarious. I could watch that video a million times and not get tired of it.
    I LOVE Friday night Lights. Is it really the last season? I'm going to be so sad if it is!!

  13. Elaine is adorable. too bad i'm not there with you!! remember how we went back there last year? so fun. we got new checking psi.

  14. BOTH of your parentals sound amazing. I hope my kids feel that way about me someday!

    I really can tell when I've taken an extra day off from working out. My mood and spirit just soars so much higher when I get in 5-7 goodies a week. :)

  15. I know I already commented but I have more to say :)
    Haha... Thanks so much for your comment, I love that advice. I of course would like to lose a few more lbs, but I love that you gave me the ok on my smoothie!

    Im planning out my next trip home and Im coming to your class for sure so you can whip my butt into shape!

    Hope your having the best time!!
    Jenn :)

  16. YOUR MOM IS THE BEST....I can't wait to go down and visit her:) That pasta looks so so good. Glad you got some sleep on the plane. LOVE your sweat pants and hoodie look sexy woman!! HAVE AN AMAZING TIME and my fave show has to be Modern Fam and the Bachelor. How was the pedicure?

  17. My opinion of you just went off the charts due to the Bon Qui Qui reference. That (along with Bedroom Intruder) makes up about half our family jokes. I went to Sonic for my daily crack fix and my 8yr old son pops off "Sekurity, sekurity, we got a complicated order".
    I love BL and Modern Family.
    I have usually rest on Sat & Sun. I am so ready to go on Mondays.

  18. Yay, now I know what a G6 is!!

    I've been wondering since the song came out and had finally decided it must be some type of car.

    Thanks for solving that mystery! And yay for fun trips and home cooking!

  19. Your mom is adorable - the valentines decorations are too cute! I am jealous you are in Arizona too - I wish Michigan was as warm as it is there!

    Oh and I am actually having a giveaway on my blog this week - if you have some time check it out:

  20. your mom is such a sweatheart!

    I LOVE Friday Night lights and I am so sad it's going away :-(
    I'm a goober and I love going to places they've featured on the show around town (especially dives i've never seen before)

    The fb field is actually on the trail I run on Saturdays!
