Friday, February 11, 2011

Sunshine On My Shoulders Makes Me Happy.

It was 70 degrees today here in AZ; A beautiful and warm 70 degrees. It amazes me how my body really does crave the sunshine and warmth. I think there is a lot to be said for the Vitamin D that comes through sunlight having a positive effect on our bodies.

What does Vitamin D Do?
- helps metabolize calcium and phosphorus which help with healthy bone maintenance
- it can help build and strengthen your immune system so you fight off disease and infection
- studies have shown exposure to Vitamin D can be linked to maintaining a healthy weight
- it can reduce the effects of asthma
- it can enhance your mood (I FULLY believe this)

Those with a deficiency of Vitamin D can suffer from weakening of the bones leading to rickets, osteoporosis, and osteomalacia. It has also been shown that those who have low levels of Vitamin D can also be more likely to suffer from heart disease, cancer, and other forms of disease and infection.
Although many foods are fortified with Vitamin D these days I think there is nothing like some good old fashioned sunshine to get your daily dosage in. Studies show that even just ten minutes in the sun can give you the benefits Vitamin D has to offer.

Today I was able to enjoy all my favorite forms of therapy.

Sleep Therapy: I got 8 hours of sleep last night? What? I don't even know when the last time that happened. It felt DIVINE. Better than divine. 

Sunlight Therapy: We were in and out all day. I could have stayed out. 

Exercise Therapy: I love when I get to go to the gym with my mom and my sister. We got in a good sweat fest this morning. I got in 60 minutes of intervals on the stairs and 20 more on the treadmill. It felt SO good after yesterday's exercise-less day.

Pedicure Therapy: No description needed.
Food Therapy: Nichole, my mom and I went to one of my FAVORITE restaurants here in AZ, Pita Jungle.  It is a SUPER healthy place that I swear I could eat at every day. Probably a good thing it's not in UT, or I might spend alllll my monies there. Oh...and they have the nutrition facts online. You know that makes my ears perk right up.

 We had...

 Yum, Right? If you're ever in AZ, and I hope you are. Make it a point to go there. We sat and talked for like two hours. I loved every second of it. We can call that talking therapy. :)
Frozen Yogurt Therapy: We went to our favorite local FroYo place, Swirl It, and my taste buds were delighted. I had a sampler of cake batter, coconut, and pistachio. Fat free goodness.
Tonight we're going to get in some Movie Therapy, and we have plans for some Retail Therapy. I feel really good about it.

What is your favorite form of therapy? I think my list is pretty long...


  1. 70*?! can i come crash on your couch for, ooooooooooooh, say the next 3 months? hahah

    my fav therapy is hanging out with my friends. they know exactly what to do to make my life happy / destressed :)

  2. oh I am right there with you on all those therapies! I love the pedi too. Thats my favorite form of therapy, pedicures!! Enjoy AZ!

  3. same temp here in CA! went out for a swim =)

    love the toe polish, sandals and foooood =)

  4. yoga, surfing/beach time, = my therapy

    your toes are so cute, I'm so jealous!

  5. work out therapy, food therapy, sleep therapy and most importantly RETAIL THERAPY! Ok so practically your list. And I LOVE PITA JUNGLE SO MUCH!! If you like fish you should try their mahi mahi with jalapeno cilantro hummus. It's to die for (along with everything else they have). Funny that you were at Pita Jungle and Swirlit. I live down the street from there :) Enjoy the sunshine!!!!

  6. Retail therapy, sunlight therapy, and workout therapy for sure!

    I LOVE your pedicure! Super cute!

  7. Aggg, you're killing me! We don't see sun often in the winter around here. booo. I need sunshine in a bad way! This looks heavenly...all of it! And those toes! Rock it! :)

  8. I want to eat at that place! That grilled veggie salad looks to-die-for!! What a fun vacay.

    My favorite therapy: Definitely RUNNING therapy. Works like a charm.

  9. I'm loving the warm weather here too! The pedicure is really cute, but so are your sandals!

  10. LOVE the pedi!

    I really like Pita places, wish we had more around here. there is one near my sister's office, but I don't get to go down there often. today I spotted a Pita-ish place downtown Austin across from my saturday morning Gold's stop. If I am ever down there and it's not 8 am, I am all over that!

    Therapy: running, working out, froyo, pedis, epsom salt hot baths

  11. Oh yay for fabulous weather!! Its been heavenly here too!
    What great therapy you are getting, and I couldnt agree more with the sunshine thing! It makes my so happy too!!

    P.s. Love those sandals and such cute toes!!!

  12. Wow, that's alot of therapy!! LOL!!! It's been beautiful weather here, too. I loooove beautiful weather therapy, baking therapy, creative time therapy and playing with my kids therapy.

    I'm totally down with your sleep therapy, too. 8 hours sounds delighful right now...

  13. I love your toes! And happen to live in AZ. Where did you get them done at?
