Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Kick In The Attitude Pants...Attitude Really Is Everything.

My alarm went off this morning at 5:00 AM and I got out of bed on the wrong side.
It felt early.
I was tired.
I CLEARLY wasn't remembering why I do what I do.

I was actually quite annoyed with myself for feeling this way. Luckily, as I got ready threw on some makeup and my workout clothes, I had a bit of an awakening. I knew If I kept up the bad attitude I woke up with, my day was going to be long and painful. I decided I was going to HAVE to point out the good to myself and work to make it a positive it or not.  

Breakfast: Chocolate PB Oatmeal. I look forward to this warm delicious breakfast.
Positives: Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day.
This healthy oatmeal combo is my fave right now.
Today I had time to make it and eat it on my way to work.
I am so lucky to have warm clothes, a car with heat, breakfast to eat, and a job.

I was tired when I got to work.
Because I am a trainer, my job doesn't really allow for me to be in a bad mood. I know I need to be on top of my positive game. My clients come to get a good work out, to be supported, and to be motivated.

I took a second to remind myself why I do what I do.
Positives: I LOVE helping people. I LOVE that I get to help people change and do things that they never believed they could do. I get to talk about health and exercise (and The life...great eats...the news...funny happenings...hard days...and everything else) all day long. My clients are some of my best friends. I made it a point to make sure each of them knew that I appreciated them, supported them, and loved them.

I had a client cancel which gave me a second to sit down.
I knew I needed to work out, but sitting down for a second reminded me that I was so tired.

Time for that attitude adjustment again.
I decided to just do what I could, and utilize this time I'd been given to get a good workout in.
Positives: I ended up getting a solid 60 min interval workout in.
I felt energized when I was done.
I was reminded of how lucky I am to have a healthy body that can do amazing things. 
I got to watch The Today Show. (I have this weird love for The Today Show, and I get really excited when I get to watch it.)
I got to take an hour nap this afternoon when I would have been working out. It felt AMAZING.

Another Positive: I had an awesome lunch today...
Baby Spinach
Thinly Shaved Smoked Turkey
A Drizzle of Fat Free Ranch
Steamed broccoli and carrots over baby spinach
I ate my steamed veggies topped with some mango salsa.
6 servings of vegetables and about 30 grams of protein. Filling and TASTY.
I felt good about it. 

I've decided that some days we feel on top of the world, without even trying. Other days we have to really make an effort to be positive and make the best of what we have in our lives. I really am so blessed to have all that I do. 
So, when working out is the last thing you feel like doing... Remind yourself of how good you will feel after. Remind yourself how lucky you are to have an amazing body that is so capable. Remind yourself of all of the benefits you'll receive from working out. You will almost ALWAYS feel better. 

When the healthy meal option looks less than appetizing... Remind yourself how great it will make you feel. Remember what eating healthy does for you. Remember how gross you can feel when you don't eat nutritiously. 

And don't forget that sometimes you just don't have it in you, and that is OK too. We don't have to be perfect all the time. Simply, doing your best for you...for THAT day...for THAT something to be proud of. Something to be REALLY proud of in fact. 
Look at the positives in your life. 

and if you need something to make you this...
If that doesn't make you smile...I don't know what will. :)

How do you stay positive? Do you have any mantra's or mental reminders that get you in a better place? Do you know the double dream hands dance? I think I've got it down. My favorite parts being the "freestyle" and the final look at the end...this video sincerely makes me laugh my head off. 


  1. Love this post!
    That video is so funny!!

    I do agree attitude is everything. It can determine how your day goes, it can even affect how how other peoples day goes. I think if you have a postitive attitude it can rub off on those around you. If anything else when I'm having an off day I just remember everything that I have and to me it's a lot. I am healthy, my son is healthy, my bf is healthy and alive and here with me every single day (he was deployed last year), I have the ability to go out and run and workout, I am a lucky woman :)

  2. Sounds like you really listened to your body today! Aren't naps little gifts?! I heart them so much.

    I use the same strategies that you do: remind myself how GOOD I will feel after a workout or healthy meal. Accountability helps me too-so I like to report to my running buddy what I am doing to improve!

  3. sometimes it's *so hard* to stay positive. usually when i'm feeling down i put a HUGE grin on my face. and i usually feel better. even if the smile is 100% fake at first

  4. Hahah I saw the double dream hands guy on Ellen it was too funny! I was really motivated by this post to try to give myself a kick in the attitude pants when I am feeling cranky.

    I LOVE the Today Show, I am lucky enough to have a class schedule that allows me to exercise in the morning and I plan it so I can watch it everyday :-)

  5. Way to turn a not so great day into a positive and great day!! WHERE in the world did you find that video?? haha Oh my!!

    When I'm having a bad day I try to snap out of it and remind myself of really how good I've got it. That works most of the time :)

  6. Awesome attitude. Thanks for the great reminder that we get to make choices about the way we act. And sometimes you just have to fake it til you make it.
    I love your blog. It motivates me to work harder and eat better.

  7. Thank you, great positivity! It's so true that we all decide how our day is going to go when we get out of bed in the morning. We are the only ones who can control it too. I totally agree with the workout thing too, you feel so good when you're done, even if you're not 100% into it at first. I get up early and go to the gym and sometimes I groan and complain about it because I'm tired. Then I get there and see the other usual people there, everday people who are trying to get in shape. I think to myself, these people are not in contest prep and are here every morning at the same time. If they can do it, damn sure I can too! =)

  8. Abby at Have Dental Floss, Will Travel wrote a great poem about this topic today!!

  9. Good job staying positive today!! Sometimes it's just hard to do that. I had my first physical therapy appt today for my ankle and for the first time in about 2 weeks I am feeling the positivity again. I do agree...sometimes I just DON'T want to workout/run/whatever but when i'm done it's the best decision I make all day. Gotta remember the payoff is worth it!

  10. I'd never seen that video before! Hilarious.
    If I could fit in a daily nap I would be so much more positive. I've learned that it's much harder for me to work out at night after work, so I try to do it in the morning and make my schedule work for me.

  11. 1. I love mango salsa and put it on EVERYTHING...

    2. my #1 mantra that usually makes me snap out of my negative mood is "shut up and drive"... I have to think that I'm one in charge, if I want to change (whether it's weight loss, running, or life in general) I am the one in the drivers seat... so Shut Up and Drive! :)

    and 3. if all else fails... a big diet coke with cherry and lime from Sonic ALWAYS (always!) cheers me up. ;)

  12. What a perfect day for me to read this! It's raining and chilly today so I'm feeling blah. Time to kick myself and get more positive. Thanks for the reminder and being so positive :)

  13. What a great post, I have been missing them so much!! You are always so positive, even about being negative. I totally agree, I always feel so much better after a good just takes getting there first some days! I dont know how you do 5am...your amazing!! And that lunch looks so yummy! Hope you have a great friday!!

  14. hahahaahahahaha. I had to wait til my boss left the office to play that video and boy am I glad I did. HILARIOUS.

  15. gosh, you are so right! I think we had the same day on Thursday and only our attitude can change that. Be positive, be grateful, and just smile.

  16. oh my gosh you are too funny. I was not aware of this dance phenomenon but I will surely bust some of these moves at med school prom tonight :-P Way to commit to positivity today :-)

  17. I think being a trainer would be difficult because I can't be in a good mood all the time. I definitely commend you!

  18. I love your posts!! I love stalking...I mean following your blog
    Andd you're so right,a positive attitude can really change so much!

  19. That guy is awesome. Thanks for sharing that! Great post too!

  20. Since you've posted this I've reposted on my FB. My entire family spent last night learning the dance and I'm trying to get the youth at my church to incorporate it into their Jubilee festival.
