Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Exercise of the week: Circuit Workout & 53 degree temps.

Do you sometimes feel like you accidentally clicked on a link to the weather channel for Provo, UT when you read my posts? Oops! Oh well. :)
The past two days here have been AWESOME. I ran outside yesterday and it was like sunshine filled medicine to my soul...I'll get to that in a moment.

First: My circuit workout from yesterday.
It went a little something like this and I was loving it.

Circuit #1 (Repeat this twice through)
Weighted Step Up Push Ups - 10 R & 10 L (I did it with 15 LB DB's and I felt it!)
Squats with an upright row - 15 reps
2 minute sprint on treadmill (really pushing it as FAST as you can go!)

Circuit #2 (Repeat this three times through)
Assisted pull ups - 15 reps
Alternating Reverse Lunge with a bicep curl @ top - 12 w/curl 12 reverse lunges w/out curl
Jumping wide to narrow squats w/25 lb plate - 10 reps (with these you want to hold a 25 lb plate in front of you jump to a wide squat and squat down, immediately jump to a narrow squat and squat down. that counts as 1 rep.)
2 minute sprint on treadmill (Keep trying to burn out those legs by pushing that speed!!)

Circuit #3 (Repeat this three times through)
Push ups - 15 reps
Wheel lunges - 1 set of 10 right/ 1 set of 10 left
Plank Hold - 1 minute
2 minute sprint (Bless those poor little leg's hearts...they should be dying by now...but keep pushing it!)

This whole workout should take you about an hour and your calorie burn should be about 700-800 + if you are really pushing it! It is an AWESOME full body workout that will work your core the entire time you're working as well! I was a schweaty mess afterwords...can I just say that there was a girl there running with her hair down? Wha?!? How do people do that?

Hair in my face while working out = Pure annoyance.

I came home from my morning workout and enjoyed some lunch and had every intention of showering, and all that jazz...however the sunlight beaming through my window enticed me otherwise. I couldn't NOT go outside. So I went on a four mile hill run that absolutely made my day! I LOVE hill workouts in a weird way. I think I was smile running the whole time, while mouthing the words to my newest playlist...which reminds me...if you haven't entered to win the March Madness Mix Giveaway just go do it already!

I hated that this post was photo-less, so I threw a fave of mine in for good measure. This pic has nothing to do with anything...except it reminds me that summer is coming, and I love sunshine. :) Oh...and the girl to the left is my BEAUTIFUL BFF Benita who does my circuit workouts with me. Lola the chica next to her is another gorgeous BFF of mine who is a BOMB marathon runner. I heart them both. Well lookie there, I tied the photo in after all...talent people. Talent.

Do you workout with your hair down? If you do I am extremely amazed by you. I can't do it. Not even an option. Do you like hill work? My legs are my favorite muscle group to work so anything that works em while doing cardio (Hills, Stairs) are my favorites. 


  1. Girl, I am a Floridian, so hills scare the crap out of me! Haha. I've done them once. I know I need to do more, but I'd just much rather do speed/intervals work.

  2. I love hill work (and stairs!!), but in a race when I'm going all out and dying. . . I do not love them.

  3. I seriously wish I could go workout with you! I totally want to try that circuit workout! I'm trying to convert my garage into a little workout area, I already have my treamill in there so that circuit workout would be perfect for my non running days!

    I cannot run with my hair down it gets in my face too much and I hate that sweaty neck feeling when your hair gets stuck to it.

    You girls are GORGEOUS!!

  4. I always love hill workouts in spin class. I'm starting to like hills in running too!

    Glad you guys are having awesome weather. I can't wait for summer!

    I did yoga with my hair down once and it drove me insane. I had to come up with creative ways to involve hair flips into all my tranistions so i could see

  5. You make me want to come to Utah so I can work out. Seriously - if I ever make it that way can I do your boot camp?

  6. work out with hair down?? No way. I don't get how people can do that! I can barely function in daily life with my hair down, but working out? NO.

  7. I love the stairs, but don't like hills. I wish I could look fly with my hair down while working out but that's not how the world works. ponytail + headband is how I have to roll

  8. yay for sun in utah, i went running outside as well. no hills for me!
    and I will never understand the girls that go to the gym with their hair down.. mine is on TOP of my head; maybe i just sweat too easily :) cute pic! love your hat too!


  9. I am loving this weather! Your circuit looks totally hard! But in a good way! No way I could wear my hair down. I'd be eating my hair the whole time!

  10. I can't read your blog for a couple weeks - especially if you are going to post awesome workouts!! I'm suppose to be taking it easy for two weeks because I just had surgery. Stinks!! Keep the posts coming though, I will have to try them out when I'm better.

  11. AHH! I hate having my hair in my face when I work out. I was watching the Zumba girls the other day with their hair down and I wanted to run in and hand her a scrunchie! lol. I sweat like a motha when I work out. I have to have my hair in a ponytail plus a headband.

    and... i hate hills. (which is why i should do them more often) :/
    and... i'm pretty sure i'd die if i worked out with you/circuit trained. lol. you are a tough chick! :)

  12. Thanks for posting your circuit workout- I love getting new ideas! How can anyone workout with their hair down?? When I see people doing this- I stare in amazement- it would bother me soooooo much!
    ps- wish we lived closer because I adore running hills!

  13. Thanks for providing links- I would have no idea what a wheel lunge was if you hadn't!
    I don't understand how girls workout with their hair down. My hair gets sweaty and matted, which is not a good look.
    I like running running hills and I really like doing the stepmill at the gym. I can feel my legs getting stronger and I feel like I have always get a great workout.
    I love that picture! I'm so excited for summer. And I love your hat, you girls look so pretty and happy!

  14. I can run with my hair down if I have a hat on - if not, no way! I really need to start making circut workouts a routine bc right now I only lift if I'm taking a class!

  15. Way to go on the workout!! That sounds killer..
    HECK NO, I do not workout with my hair down. That's crazy.. I don't know how or why people would do that. I'm with you on the hills! I love pushing myself and feels so good afterwards.

  16. LOVE THE girls are so gorgeous. Um, the circuit sounds are my hero. Oh, the hair HAS to be plastered back, I hate it when it get's in my face!!! LOVE YOU!! YAY FOR GOOD WEATHER!!

  17. I did a 4 mile hill run yesterday too, and I realize I love hills when they're early on in my run. A big hill during the last mile of my run...not so much!

  18. I can't stand my hair down when working out. Even when I had really short hair, I'd want to somehow put it up or back.

    I am trying to get back into hills at least once a week, I definately have room for improvement there. 2 of my friends excel at hills, I want to get there.

    My usual runs are somewhat hilly, but nowhere like our once a week hill route.

  19. I put the link for the DNA test in my post. It's kind of crazy but everyone is either a "carb reducer", "fat trimmer" or "better balancer". I work at Amway's headquarters for their employee wellness program. Amway developed a weight management program based off of the DNA results. So we are doing a 12 week program that teaches the concepts of the new lifestyle for each participant.

    We've just started week 1 so I'll tell you how it goes after 12 weeks!

  20. I definitely can't work out with my hair down. It makes me 10 times hotter. And no hill work outs for me...unless the provo canyon trail mini hills count? I know they are so so good for you.. but i'm a baby and i like a good flat or gradual long hill with low incline. One day maybe I'll have the energy to go on your hill run with you.

  21. I stumbled upon your blog & tried this workout yesterday. It was amazing - I do a boot camp twice a week plus a circuit class twice a week & run 5 miles daily & this killed me! Loved it, can't wait to try more.

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