Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Smattering of Topics

I love the RARE occasion of not waking up at 5AM and getting in a good morning workout. I had some clients out of town for spring break so I was able to sleep in until 7:45!! It was glorious. I had my favorite breakfast...
 I have been making my oatmeal with 6 oz of skim milk instead of 8 oz of water like I used to do, so I could increase the protein. I'm loving this change. It's so dang tasty.

After I ate I got ready and peaced out to the gym for a pre-work workout. This RARELY happens, so I was super excited about it! Morning workouts are the best, and you know what makes them even better?? Surprise visitors! My sweet lil' BFF Janae came and surprised me mid workout with a bag of my favorite things! It totally caught me of guard and seriously made my morning! She is a total sweetheart!! Thank you darling!!!!!!
 Sipping on some DDP and chewing the strawberry shortcake gum as we speak. Heaven...
After my workout I headed to work. It was so nice knowing my workout was done and behind me. I prefer to workout in the mornings. I like to have it done, and sometimes I HATE that looming feeling of my body getting more tired as the day goes on knowing I have to summon up extra energy for a workout. I know there are some people who enjoy the late hours, but for the most part, I am not one of them. Lots of people will ask me when I think the best time of day to work out THIS POST to answer that question.

For lunch today I had a Mexi Chicken Wrap that was VERY delicious. Ingredients were a La Tortilla Factory Wrap, spinach, chicken grilled with fajita seasoning, a drizzle of fat free southwestern ranch, and a few heaping spoonfuls of mango salsa. It was so tasty! This whole wrap is about 250 calories. Mango salsa is the answer to so many problems. I'm pretty sure it could bring world peace.  
I also added in a side of Edama me for some bonus protein. My whole lunch had 40 grams! That is huge for me FYI.
I know some of you have told me that you've had a hard time finding the La Tortilla Factory Tortillas. I get mine at Costco in the bread section. They come in a pack of like 20 that lasts forever. I just keep mine in the fridge, so they stay fresh. I have also seen them at Good Earth and Sunflower Market. If you don't have any of these stores, or you aren't seeing them click HERE and see if that helps?  

Where did Elaine get the silicone oven mitts I spoke of yesterday?
Sur La Table. That store is amazing. Here is the link to the square potholder, and the mini mitt.

How do I know what the nutrition facts are for my recipes? I use THIS website. I am obsessed with knowing the nutrition facts of the food I eat, so If I make something myself I have to calculate it out. There are a lot of free resources out there that can help you break down your recipes. You have to know the amounts of all of your ingredients and how many servings one recipe makes.

How do I keep track of my calories? I don't really need to write them down because I have a strangely large library of caloric facts in my head. I can't remember people's names, but I can tell you how many calories are in pretty much whatever you'd like to know. That is sad...I know. What I can't figure out in my head is my macro nutrient percentages (fat, carbs, protein) and that is what I'm most concerned with. I also like to be exact, so keeping track keeps me in line. I used the website FOREVER. It's free, it's super user friendly. I did a post about it HERE. I now use a program that I use with my clients at work called It is also fabulous, but not free. There are a ton of methods of tracking food, and you just have to find what works for you. I also own a food scale which makes exactness possible.

Hopefully that answers some of your questions!! Anything else I can help you with? Let me know. I love it :) 

p.s. Amazing JEN is giving away a GARMIN, a Spibelt, and a super cute shirt. You should probably go check it out! 


  1. I love edamame so much! Looks like a delicious meal, way to go with the protein. What a thoughtful gift from Janae, so sweet :)

  2. yum! that wrap looks delicious! so glad you got to sleep in...I got to sleep in today as well and it was super fabulous!!

    Janae is such a sweetheart!! so cute and fun that she brought you those gifts!!

    have a great day!

    oh! p.s. I made choc pb oatmeal today with bananas. ummmm. i was in heaven. it was amazing. :)

  3. Looks like the best gift bag ever! Janae is a sweetie, it's so cool you guys live close enough to get to see each other!

    I am totally a morning workout person, if I don't get it done early I usually can't do anything worthwhile later :-/

  4. I used to get La Tortilla Factory tortillas all the time when I lived in Colorado, but when I moved to Missouri I could NOT find them. I've been using Mama Lupe's low carb tortillas which are 60 calories each, but not sure how the PRO/fiber compares. I keep meaning to check but I forget. BUT the map shows that Dillon's carries them, so I'll have to go check it out.

    I'm with you on working out in the morning. Although for me morning tends to end up being 10-12... which I need to change as it starts warming up outside. I just like getting up, "relaxing" for an hour or two, then working out. Plus I work the evening shift at work, so sometimes when I get home it's 10-11 pm... and I'm NOT working out then!

  5. Yummy! Your food always looks so delicious. I bought those tortillas at costco last week and am sooo obsessed. Like how have I lived my life this long without them.

    Good job at keeping your protein up. It really is not easy! Have a fabulous night.

  6. you gals are just so sweet. I really want to move to UTAH just to be around you two!

  7. Thanks for all the info! I have to say that the idea of exercising after about 10 AM makes me cranky. The few night runs I've done were really hard for me and not all that enjoyable. Also, I need to try that oatmeal. Looks like you had a great morning!

  8. 40 grams is impressive! I've been putting edamame on my lunch salads too. I wish I could work out in the AM but I looveee sleeping in to grand ol' 6 am ;-)

  9. i <3 dr pepper too!

    and sleeping in. i've been able to do that a lot this week and glorious it was

  10. AHHH I am so so glad that you LOVED the goodies....I just want you to know that you are MY HERO and I LOVE YOU so so much!!! I am so happy you got to sleep in and get a morning workout (even though I made you miss a good chunk of it ha). That wrap looks absolutely amazing! I will miss you this weekend and I will probably have to come visit you on Sunday!

  11. I need to get some edamame next time I'm at the store, I haven't had it in a while. I'm trying to make sure my protein intake is high, so it would be a great addition! Thanks for making me think of it :)

    That was so super sweet of Janae, you girls are all such sweethearts!

    I also like to work it earlier in the day, it becomes more and more daunting as the day goes on, although sometimes I'll have to drag my butt out to do a training run in the evening!

    Hope you have a fabulous weekend! :)

  12. I much prefer evening running but mornings can be good as well.

  13. obviously I'm partial because I live in georgia but you should try peach salsa!! SOOO SOOO good!! (;
