Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Snakes are GROSS and A Birthday Cake to Be Reckoned With

Utah's strange weather has made what would be a brutally hot summer day, rather pleasant. It also makes for the perfect temperature for a mid morning run. I finished up with my morning clients today and I absolutely couldn't fight the urge to go running up the canyon, especially when I knew the alternative was the elliptical. My foot has felt awesome since my week off in NC, so I thought I'd see how I did.

I did 7 miles on the Provo Canyon trail. It was SO beautiful. Amazingly beautiful in fact. I really tried to take it easy pace-wise, to try and keep my foot happy. I did feel a little pain in my foot during the last mile, but otherwise I was doing pretty great. As I was running I saw TWO snakes. One is bad, but two? Really? The first one I almost stepped on because I didn't see it. I tend to be in my own, sing to myself world as I am running. When I barely stopped in time (We're talking a dead halt) it was like the snake and I were having a face off to see who would move first. I finally decided to creep around his back side, and then I sped the heck up to get out of there. The second snake was further away from me, but it was still on my trail. I could have done without seeing either of them. So gross.

As I mentioned before, my goal for the summer is to be able to run up to the Y without stopping. It was So nice outside this afternoon, and I was needing a break from some writing I was I decided to test myself. If you want a KILLER interval workout this should be your next venture.

I made it past switchback #5 (There are 10 total) so, halfway. Man it was HARD. I know my legs were already tired from my workout earlier, but dang. I think my heart rate was like 250! After switchback 5 I alternated walking a switchback and then running one to get to the top. It is a total distance of 1.2 miles, and made it up in 22 minutes. I wasn't able to run the whole way without stopping, but now I have something to measure myself against. I ran all the way down which was terrifying. It was more like taking baby steps at a quick pace, so as not to slip and roll down the mountain. My quads were on FIRE by the time I got to the bottom. I'm guessing I'll be feeling that tomorrow! It was a killer workout, leaving me with 9.4 miles for the day. My foot was killing on the way back down. I think I over did it a little, unfortunately. I'm going to be careful with it the rest of the week, that is for sure.

Tonight was my friend Dean's bday and I was designated to make the cake. Funny, because my friends know that I always try to health-i-fy all the recipes I make. This cake is a recipe my sister gave me a long time ago and it is DIVINE.

Jell-o Pudding Poke Cake
Ingredients: Yellow or white cake mix (you could use a reduced sugar mix here)
1 small box of vanilla fat free sugar free pudding (I have also used banana and it was delicious)
1 small box of raspberry or strawberry fat free sugar free jell-o mix (I have a large one here, but a small one will work perfect)
1 lite or fat free container of cool whip
Bake your cake as directed on the box. I used natural applesauce instead of oil, and egg whites instead of eggs. I have also seen Hungry Girl make her cakes with a mix and a can of diet soda, but I have never tried that. It would cut calories out. It's on my list of "to trys." Has anyone tried that before? Once your cake is done take it out and let it cool. Once cool take the end of a wooden spoon and poke holes all over the cake. They don't have to be fancy or even. I like a lot of them because It makes the pudding sink in everywhere.
 After the holes are poked prepare your jell-o. Dissolve the jell-o packet into 1 cup of boiling hot water. Once dissolved, add 1/2 cup of cold water. Pour this mixture over the entire cake. Yep, it will look like an alien planet all bumpy and weird colored. Fear not, it's delicious. Put that in the fridge to cool completely.
 Once it's cool mix up the pudding as directed on the box. Pour immediately over the cake, letting it seep into the holes. Let this sit in the fridge until the pudding is set, for about an hour or so. I know it looks weird, just trust me.
 Cover entire cake with container of cool whip and place back in the fridge until it's time to serve it. You could decorate the top with sliced strawberries or raspberries if you like.
 Cut into slices and serve. It looks really fun where all the poke holes are. It is such a light and tasty dessert that everyone will enjoy!
I have also made this recipe into cupcakes, and they turn out great.

Do you have a favorite "summer dessert?" I love frozen yogurt. Oh wait...I love that all year round. Have you ever run into anything weird or scary when you are out running? Who wants to come run the Y with me??


  1. YUM! that cake looks delicious! Me and my sis ran the River trail in the canyon last night and we get there and this guy is just standing there holding a snake he had found and said it was the FOURTH one. We almost turned around and headed back home. That thing was HUGE. Like as long as me. AHHHHHHH. I am terrified of snakes. ummm so you are amazing. you made it up FIVE of the switchbacks???? I was hoping I could make it up one the first time! Such an awesome day to run yesterday...I was feeling the same way. It was SO hard to stop at 4! haha! Glad you got in some good miles and glad your foot is feeling a bit better :)

  2. O. M. G. That just looks amazing!

    And you are just a rock star!! Holy cow, I can't believe that you made if half-way up to the Y without stopping! That in itself is a pretty amazing feat!

    Snakes??? What is this?? Julia was telling me that she saw a guy with one up Provo yesterday! Ewwww. Maybe it's snake weather??

    I am so behind on your blog, so I apologize if you get a billion comments from me today!! I am catching up on all of my blog-stalking!!

  3. Megan you are my hero! What a killer workout girl. Next time I am going with you. You better call me because I want to conquer that Y this summer.

    The cake looks scrumptious! I hope you can come to yogurtland Friday at 5! Woo hoo!

  4. That jello cake is YUMMY!! I love fruit pizza during the summer as well.

    Have fun running the Y. You are amazing!!

    I hiked it for the first time last summer. Killer! Someday I'll run it, maybe when I'm 40!!!

  5. I would love to run the Y - except for the fact that I live in flat Texas with no elevation at all and would pass out after the first .3 miles.
    I've run into a grass snake running and it still freaked me out. We also have a boatload of stinking rabbits that jump out and never fail to scare the crap out of me. I would love the outdoors so much more without the animals.

  6. Like everyone else says that cake looks so good! I have done the cake mix with pop, my favorite is chocolate cake mix with diet cherry coke and cherry frosting on top. So good!!

    Congrats on the workout too! You go girl!

  7. That is my favorite cake ever. My mother in law taught me to make it and we have it for every birthday. I make it a little different. Instead of putting the pudding on the cake, mix the pudding mix with 1 c. of milk and fold in the Cool Whip for the topping. I could eat that by the bowlful. Try it!!

  8. snakes ARE the grossest and jello cake is a childhood classic in my family! LOVE it! such a great summer treat. light, fluffy and cold! yum!

  9. YUM YUM. Cake is not one of my favorite desserts, but keeping in mind that I do love all desserts, I love my cake super moist (pretty much soggy). Cake + pudding sounds right up my alley! This is a great, unique recipe.

    By the way, my favorite summer treat is S'mores and I definitely have encounters with gross road kill when I run on country roads!

  10. instead of using pudding ive used sweetened condensed milk and put crushed butterfingers on top. yum!
