Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Turkey Burning Circuit Workout

Ok, so this circuit workout has nothing to do with turkeys. Unless of course you do it on Thanksgiving and or after to burn off some of the extra food calories we happen to eat...and then of course it has everything to do with it. Either way, this is a killer circuit. I did it today and I was sufficiently worked to say the least. I also had one of my clients do it tonight.

It goes like this:

30 Hanging Power Cleans (I used a 40 lb bar)
30 Assisted Pull ups (or real pull ups if you are tougher than I am which I am sure a lot of you are)
30 Kettle Bell Swings (I used the 25 lb KB)
30 Burpees (AKA murder)

20 Hanging Power Cleans
20 Assisted Pull ups (or real pull ups if you are tougher than I am which I am sure a lot of you are)
20 Kettle Bell Swings
20 Burpees

10 Hanging Power Cleans
10 Assisted Pull ups
10 Kettle Bell Swings
10 Burpees

I did 60 mins of intervals on the elliptical and then this circuit took me 27 minutes. I was exhausted. Let me rephrase...my body is still exhausted. I'll be interested to see how sore I am or am not. A few things to note about this circuit.

- I loved it. It was hard, but nice to do something different from my usual. 
- Don't be afraid of Hanging Power Cleans, but be sure to do them with proper form.  You could actually do them with DB's if you had to.
- Assisted Pull ups can be swapped with Lat Pull downs if need be. Just be sure the weight is heavy enough.
- A single DB held in both hands can be substituted for a Kettle Bell
- Burpees are really hard, but oh so awesome.

 November 22nd: Today I am grateful that tomorrow I get to go home!! YAY! A much needed break.

One year ago today...an experiment of sorts

Do you get a holiday break? I sure hope so! Do you ever include any power lifts into your workout routine?