Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Shoppers Unite

Are you a Black Friday Shopper? I'm not going to lie..I'm not. I love a good deal as much as the next guy, but I also detest crowds of people trying to fight for one item. My family is more of a...mosey on into Target at 4:00 in the afternoon on Black Friday to get some good deals on the movies left over from the crazies that got there 12 hours ago.

However, if you ARE a Black Friday Shopper you may want to take some last minute work out tips from this crazy lady...

November 23rd: Today I am thankful for the opportunity to come and spend time with my family! 

One year ago today...The stair climber - Not for the faint of heart ratedMissing the end of the world. Dang.

Best of luck with your last minute Turkey Day preparations!


  1. I knew I loved you for a reason. I can't stand Black Friday. There was someone camped out a our local Best Buy on Tuesday night. Um, if he spreads out his savings over the 72 hours he will have spent sleeping in a tent outside it's not the best ROI.
    My time and sanity are worth way more to me.

  2. i totally go later on and get the movie deals too!!
