Tuesday, December 13, 2011

12 Days of Holiday Health - Day 12

Can you believe it is already December 13th? I can't, but I am excited to be so close to Christmas! Today brings with it my last holiday health tip! If you have missed the other 11 you can read them HERE. I hope that they have made you think about making your holidays just a little more healthy this year!
Tip #12: Remember Moderation!! 

Let's be honest, the holidays are to be enjoyed! I fully believe that you can enjoy your holidays without overdoing it and gaining ten pounds. It is all about moderation. I know it may be difficult to see an entire bag of the "seasonal" Cadbury Chocolate Balls and not devour them out of a fear you may not make it until they reappear at Easter in mini egg form, BUT you can do it. All you need to do is be smart the choices you are making. Try to get in your workouts, drink a lot of water, get some sleep, and try not to go hog wild at your holiday parties you will be fine! It is ok to indulge every now and again, but the problems come when we feel like we deserve to indulge all the time. Remember the hard work you have put in to get where you are. Enjoy your family, enjoy your holiday parties, and enjoy your favorite goodies...but at the same time...enjoy your workouts, enjoy good healthy food, and make your family activities active ones! Do this and this holiday season will be a happy and HEALTHY one for you and your loved ones!

How do you incorporate moderation into your holiday season? Do you find it hard to do, or are you able to indulge a little and keep up with your workouts?


  1. Loved all of your Holiday Health tips Megan. They are all definitely helpful to keep me on track. Moderation is key to all things in life. :D

  2. I have had the worst cold virus that has seem to be going around here..so for the last two weeks my diet has been orange juice and chicken noodle soup so I have lost weight..great pre christmas diet?? LOl

  3. No I cant believe It! Kinda hard to get into the Christmas spirit with all the work this year!
