Friday, December 9, 2011

12 Days of Holiday Health Tips - Day 8

This one is a no-brainer, and it may be my favorite tip of them all. Today was an awesome day that I was able to spend with the people I love the family in this beautiful place. 
 (Image Source)
 Tip # 8: Spend a lot of time with the people you love.
Unhappy leads to unhealthy, and I know I am the happiest when I am able to spend time with my family and friends. I have so many great people in my life that mean so much to me.
 I think most of you would agree that a large part of health comes from happiness and love, both of which are emotions that come when you are surrounded by those who love the most.
So BE SURE to make time in your busy holiday schedules to enjoy those individuals who you have in your life. It really is what matters most in life.  Don't you agree?

Do you have fun holiday plans with family and friends for the month? I sure hope so! I can't wait for the majority of my family to head to Arizona for a fun Christmas celebration.


  1. i love that one too! and i love your sweet family. Still need to meet your sister.

  2. Hi Megan! Enjoy reading your blog!

    I needed to change my URL to Just FYI for further following. Thnx!
