Saturday, December 10, 2011

12 Days of Holiday Health Tips - Day 9

Food. Food. Food. I know I've already brought up the fact that food seems to be within six inches of your reach at all moments during the month of December. I'm sure you can relate to the feeling of ending your evening feeling like a stuffed Thanksgiving turkey. For the record, I HATE that feeling, and yet it still happens from time to time. Sometimes feeling stuffed like that at night can lead to waking up the next morning feeling full and gross. There is one thing that always makes me feel better when this happens.
(Image Source)
 Tip #9: Drink LOTS of water.

One thing I always tell my clients is to aim to drink 100 oz of water a day. I know it seems like a lot, but it is totally possible, and it will help. It will help to flush your system, keep you full so you don't eat a ton of junk, and is a great natural detox. A great signification that you are getting enough water is the color of your urine. Sounds should look light yellow, not dark. Drinking a lot of water can also help clear your skin and it will just make you feel better. Take the 100 oz challenge! See if you can get your water in everyday!

Are you a water drinker? Do you have to make a conscious effort to get your water in or do you drink a lot of water anyways?

Click HERE to read the rest of the Holiday Health Tips


  1. I've definitely become a water drinker over anything else. I get a little stressed if my camelbak isn't around :). But I usually only make it to about 70-85oz. 100 does sound like a lot!

  2. I drink all day long. Some days, more than others. Great tip!

  3. Definitely a water drinker!
    I only drink 2 cups of coffee (caffeine) a when I wake up; and one when I get to the office.
    Then its alll water for the rest of the day. I try to make myself drink 32 before noon(fill my nalgene!) and then another 2 before I leave the office.
    Water for dinner, at gym, and at bedtime!

  4. So, we will have water from today itself to save our body and stay healthy. Right ?
