Thursday, May 24, 2012

Dear Thursday...

Dear Thursday...
I like you. I like you because you are real close to Friday, which I LOVE. Sorry if that offends you, but it is no secret that Fridays hold a special place in my heart. Always have always will.

Tomorrow I will do my LAST long run, 12 miles, before the big race on June 9th. How crazy is that? I feel as if I have been training for 800 years, and I'm ready to get this elephant out of the room if you know what I mean.

This weekend is Memorial Day weekend. Awesome. Although I wish I was going to be lying on Duck Beach in the Outer Banks all week long like last year, I will have to find something else that is fun and fabulous to do.
Thanks Thursday, for helping me find some extra time to clean my house today...much needed. Isn't having a clean house just about the best feeling in the world? Aside from finishing a tough and awesome workout, I think so. Speaking of working out and cleaning...did you know that you can burn an extra 200-300 calories cleaning, per hour? I'll take that. 

Today's workout was killer. Box jumps, squats, pull ups, push ups, bicep curls, and lunges. I loved it. 

Tuesday history was made...My dad came into The Lab and worked out with me! This is the first time EVER that this has happened! I loved it...and I hope he did too. He's coming back in today for round two, and I can't wait. He's going to be coming in twice a week now. I loooove this. He was an athlete all growing up, and he has always been pretty active, BUT we're getting him hooked up with some sweet strength training. 

The sun is shining, and I LOVE that too. :)

Anyways...Thursday, you've been good to me. 

Yours Truly...

How has YOUR Thursday been? Do your parents/family members work out?


  1. Completely agree with you on how good a clean house feels! I might just go clean my bathroom right now. I had a wonderful Thursday - got a new job Yay!

  2. How fun to be able to work out with your Dad! Enjoy the long weekend!
