Thursday, July 5, 2012

Finishing the 4th!!

The Beach Boys definitely brought it Last night! The fireworks did not disappoint either! The Stadium of Fire was awesome! We got some more exercise in by biking to the stadium to avoid traffic, and then hiking ALL the way to the top. When people suggest parking far away as a healthy tip for life, they should suggest sitting far away too...that was a lot of stairs.

 I went to the show with my darling friend Amanda, and my cute mom and pops.
 I have a small obsession with fireworks, and by small I mean that I cannot stop "oohhing and ahhhing" the entire time. I just think they are SO incredibly beautiful!
I hope that the rest of your celebration was fabulous, festive, and full of fireworks! 

DAY #5: 5 burpees with a  pushup
These are AWESOME to add into your lifting workout to make it a circuit workout. Try inserting five or ten burpees with a pushup in between sets of exercises, and you will have your heart rate sky rocketing! 

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