Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th!!

I love the 4th of July. I really really do. I love the patriotism, the fabulous red white and blue clothing choices that come out of the woodwork, the bbq's, the pool parties, and OF COURSE the fireworks. I am ecstatic about tonight because I know that there are great fireworks in store! My fourth of July activities for today were a little out of the norm, but so much fun!

My friends and I decided to hike Stewart Falls, and it was so beautiful. We weren't the only ones with that idea...It was awesome to see a lot of families out getting their exercise on together!
Thanks to my friend Scott for documenting the whole hike! 
 It was such a beautiful hike! If you are ever in UT, take the time to get out there and do it!
It is very easy to get together with our friends and family and gather around food. We do it all the time, and of course it is so fun. However, every now and again, decide to get out and do something active with your family instead!

The July challenge continues...
Day #4: Four lengths of walking lunges.  
Find a long hallway and lunge down and back four times. Carry dumbbells if you need to make it more difficult. You should end up doing around 50 lunges :)
Tonight I'm going to The Stadium of Fire. SO FUN! I can't wait for all of the patriotic festivities! Happy 4th of July! 

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