Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Winner for Wednesday...and yet another circuit.

And the winner of the Relax Remix Giveaway is...
(picked using

#1 Rene!

Rene has been such an awesome and supportive reader. So glad you won! :) I think this might be an omen that you really do need to start your own blog now too!! ;) Email me with your info and I'll get you your goods.
I hope you like this mix as much as I do. I've been listening to it in my car, at home, and poolside all week long!

Today I somehow managed to trick Benita into getting up early with me to go to the gym for a circuit workout again. We got another great workout in, and I was a schweaty mess after all was said and done. I don't know why but there is something great about the feeling of sweating like crazy with no makeup on. Its like it feels cleansing or something.

Our circuit went as follows...

Warm up 5 mins

repeat 3 x through
12 Step Ups  on the right leg to a shoulder press (15 lb DB)
12 Step Ups on the left leg with an upright row (15 lb DB)
12 Alternating Single Leg Squat Walking Pushups
(With these start on your right leg, do a single leg squat until you put your hands on the ground and walk your body out to a pushup position. Do two single leg push ups. Walk your hands back to that same single leg and stand up on the same leg. Repeat on the other side)
20 Alternating Plank Mountain Climbers Slow
20 Fast Mountain Climbers
3 minute sprint

repeat 3 x through
24 Alternating Reverse Lunges with a Rear Rows (20 lb DB)
(Step back into a deep reverse lunge with your right leg, holding your DB in your hand do a rear row with that right arm. Switch so your left leg is back in a lunge, switching the DB into your left hand and rowing back with your left arm. Continue alternating.)
15 Kettle bell swing squats (one 30 lb DB)
(hold a kettle bell or single DB in front of you like a candle stick, with legs hip width apart. Swing the DB between your legs while squatting, stand up and swing your arms straight up to just above eye level, and then back down into a squat.)
12 Sit to stand squat jumps
(you may want to do these on a mat or carpet. Squat down until you sit on the floor. Rock back holding your knees and then stand back up and jump in the air. Land soft into a squat and then sit back down...etc.)
3 Minute Interval Sprint  (minute 1 = hard/ 2 = hardest/3 = hardest)

This workout took us 70 minutes. I topped this off with 30 mins of intervals on the elliptical and I was good and sweaty. I was happy to come home and refuel with a Greek Protein Shake and some egg whites!

 There you have it! Two circuit workouts for you in one week! Hopefully that gives some of you who've been asking for some new ones some new material to work with! :) If you missed Monday's Circuit Workout go HERE. It  made my inner thighs and glutes so sore! I loved it.

Thanks for all the summer reading suggestions! There were a bunch that I have never heard of. Love it.


  1. Wow! I might have to copy this workout! I love being extremely schweaty after a workout! It makes me feel super accomplished!

  2. I need to workout with you. Loving your circuit workouts. Now I just need you going all Jillian Michaels on me to get me through them. :)

  3. loved this circuit! I think more than the other one only because the other one had burpees and sometimes i'm a wuss..but they are both good. both favorites. Thanks for dragging me along with you!

  4. I may have almost wet myself about the tunes! I usually rely on my group classes for my workouts but since my participation has been sporadic lately I need to get of my tush and do one of your circuits.
    P.S. I finally have a blog (

  5. I tried this circuit yesterday morning, and I definitely felt it when I woke up this morning! Thanks for posting this, and I can't wait to try the other!
