Sunday, July 15, 2012

Grocery shopping is hard to do.

Oh the empty fridge...You know when you get to that point where you open your fridge 20 times, magically hoping that something else is going to reappear next time you open it? I'm there. I HATE when I don't have any fresh produce. It kills me. Good thing I'm going to eat dinner with my family tonight :) Elaine never disappoints with the fresh fruits and veggies. I love her for that.

I have  a love/hate relationship with going grocery shopping. I hate it because I hate it. Going to the store is kind of a pain. I swear I almost always forget something, I usually buy way more than I planned on, and I always walk past the cereal isle with a little sadness in my heart. (Ever since eating paleo I miss cereal more than anything.) I love it because I know I will have awesome options to eat for the next little while, I'll have a ton of delicious fresh produce, and I will be prepared. Making good food choices is allllll about being prepared. These tips also help me when I am trying to be a smart and healthy grocery shopper...
- Make a menu. Decide what your schedule is going to be like for the upcoming week. Figure out what your are going to eat for all of your meals.
- Make a list. When you have your menu you will be able to make a list of what you are going to need. Having a plan at the grocery store is KEY. Wandering down isles aimlessly is what gets us into trouble, and leaves us lurking in front of the Oreo cookies. Click HERE for my Muncher Cruncher approved grocery list. This list is before my paleo days began, but it is still a good one.
- Don't shop hungry. This is a common tip that you probably hear all the time, but it is a good one. When you grocery shop on an empty stomach you will want to eat everything, so you will more than likely buy everything. This will cause you to stray from the plan. It also will help you to avoid binging on samples. Click HERE to see just how costly Costco samples can be on your diet.
- Avoid your weaknesses. If you know you venturing past the bulk candy is going to mean you are going to want to grab lots of sugary sweets, don't even venture past. Don't put yourself in temptations way! Be sure to get some healthy snacks that will keep you armed with good food when you get home!
- Wear a medical mask or your running shoes. The bakery is always going to smell amazing. I don't know how to tell you to avoid that...except to cover your nose and sprint with your cart.

Go prepared when you grocery shop, and you will be prepared when you come back home to stay healthy and keep up with the good habits that you have worked SO hard to develop!

What are you grocery shopping tips and pitfalls? Do you have a hard time avoiding the less healthy items?
DAY #15: 15 burpees 
Burpees are killer. There is just no way around it, but they are also GREAT. They are a perfect way to spike that heart rate up, they are a total body exercise, and they are killer so you feel super tough and legit doing them....or maybe after you are done with them. With these burpees, try to get your chest all the way down to the ground. Go for it!


Anonymous said...

I always say I can make it out of the grocery without junk food, but I can't make it out of the kitchen without it. Meaning, if it's in my house I eat it. I am pretty good at stiking to the list. My one weakness is winco bakery doughnuts. I always end up letting my kids pick a doughnut. Then I just have to get one for myself :) luckily I don't always shop there.

Stephanie said...

Oh, I hate it when I run out of fresh produce too! I can't seem to find anything to make when I run out. A good tip, but I am sure you already know it, is to be full and put in a good workout before you go. I always find that my hands can't keep away from the junk when I am either hungry or haven't worked out yet.

rubysinn said...

I read your post. It was amazing. Your thought process is wonderful. The way you tell about things is awesome for more information

Shopping in Bryce Canyon