Monday, December 28, 2009

6 Common Gym-Goer Mistakes

I love the FitSugar website. There was a great article on there today that lists the common mistakes that people make when they are at the gym, and I thought it was pretty accurate.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Detox...

I know, I know. There was a lot of food. It is just the fact of the matter. But it's come and gone. Some of you may have made it through with flying colors; others might not have been so lucky. BUT, nonetheless it's over. Kinda sad isn't it? As we took down all the Christmas decorations yesterday I realized how anti-climactic de-Christmasing is. So much anticipation, and work, and excitement, and then in the blink of an's over. I hope your Christmas celebration was as fun and delightful as mine was. Because mine was delightful beyond belief.
Most of you are probably left with a house that looks strangely bare, and a counter of leftover treats that were gifted to you. It's time to time to get back on track.
My advice to you?

1. Get rid of the junk. Unless your neighbors cookies are New York Times Best Seller level, they are probably not work keeping on the counter. (No offense to your darling neighbor.) It's just that if they are sitting there, with the plastic wrap loosely tucked around the Santa Clad plate, the chances of you sneaking your little paws under that all too loose saran-wrap are FAR to high. Don't tempt your self. I bet you won't even miss the goodies once they are gone. And I give you permission to tell your darling neighbor that, "those cookies were SO good; they disappeared." ;)

2. Down some H20. Drink a lot of water to try and flush your system of all of the creamy, gooey, cheesy, sodium-filled goodness you've indulged in the past few weeks.

3. Get moving. Make some exercise commitments to yourself. The only way to get rid of those extra calories you consumed over the holidays is to burn them off. The only way to burn them off is to get moving. Find some fun activities you can involve the whole family in that are active. Play with that new basketball hoop, go ice skating, go skiing, ride that new bike, (weather permitting of course), give that new ipod a whirl at the SOMETHING.

4. Make a meal plan for the week. The family is home. You're out of your normal routine. It's easy to throw caution to the wind and decide to eat out every night for lack of better preparation...or energy. BUT, you'll feel so much better with some home cooked, healthy goodness in your belly.

5. Start Resolution-izing. New years is just around the corner. Start your health and fitness goals now.

6. Don't be so hard on yourself. Life gets crazy. We never have as much time as we think we will. Maybe you ate too much, or didn't get to work out enough. The past is gone, and there is nothing you can do about it. You always have the power to change the future. Forget the unchangeable, and do something about today! Set small goals to help you achieve bigger ones. You CAN do it. I know you can. :)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

9 Ways to Give the Gift of Health

Still not done with the Christmas shopping? Looking for stocking stuffers? Here are some of my favorite last minute gift ideas that are sure you put a smile on anyone's face, and may just help them lose a few!

1. Ipod Shuffle
Have you seen these new little guys?? They are TINY. Perfect for the exerciser in your family. You can find them for just around $50.

2. Good Headphones

You've probably heard me talk about these before, BUT I swear good headphones can make a WORLD of difference in your workout. You spend less time worrying about trying to keep them in and more time working it out! My favorite headphones are the Skull Candy "Inked" headphones that come in several different colors, and are only $15.00! Amazing right? I know.

3. Lifting Gloves

Need a gift for an avid lifter? Weight lifting gloves usually run from $10-$15, and make a great gift. I started wearing gloves like 3 years ago because my hands were getting calloused, and I've never gone back since. They help with grip, and keep those girly hands soft and smooth. These are of course great for guys and girls. You can find these at any sports store.

4. Itunes giftcard

You know I love my music. It is what gets me through tough workouts! (I swear you'd think I was getting paid for these shout out's I'm giving Apple...sheesh. Negative) BUT, you really can't go wrong with an Itunes giftcard.

5. Sigg Water Bottle

These aluminum water bottles are, considered to be the "worlds toughest water bottle." Both environmentally friendly, and non toxic, these bottles have been FDA proven that no leaching will occur. Plus, they are adorable. They are available online and in sports stores.

6. Healthy Cookbooks
These happen to be two of my favorites, but there are TONS of great healthy cookbooks out there. This is a great way to help those that you love jumpstart the new year with some great new recipes!

7. Healthy "treats"

Stocking's should be full of goodies, but why not make them healthy goodies? Stuff your loved ones stockings full of their favorite gum, protein bars, dried fruit, nuts, mints, etc.

8. Workout Garb
A gift that might not be so exciting, but is always needed is new workout attire. I LOVE the Adidas Running Capris, and the Nike Dri Fit Capris, and would definitely recommend them to anyone. You can never go wrong with new sports bras, running socks, or even just gift cards to let them pick out their own new garb.

9. Gift Cards
Give the gift of healthy eating. Find a local health food store, or healthy restaurant and show your loved ones that eating healthy can be VERY delicious!

Merry Christmas & Happy Healthy Gifting!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Healthy Holiday Appetizer

Holiday parties are dangerous. Well, they can be at least, if you are not careful. Appetizers can start the evening off with a MAJOR scare. "Can," is the keyword there. If you are throwing a holiday party, or if you're assigned to bring the appetizer, serve your guests up with some holiday health. My suggestions? A fruit or veggie tray, with a non-fat dip is always a great option. Want something a little more fancy? Here is a great recipe for a Healthy Bruchetta.

(Photo From

8 Roma tomatoes
1/2 a red pepper
2 cloves garlic, minced
8 fresh basil leaves
3 tbsp balsamic vinegar
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
2 tbsp Fresh mozzarella
Whole wheat baguette
More olive oil for brushing

Wash the Roma tomatoes, cut them in half and then remove the seeds. Then dice them into small pieces and place them in a bowl.Then dice the red pepper, place them in the bowl and add 1 clove of the minced garlic (save the other clove for the bread).Sprinkle salt on top, mix it up and move the bowl to the refrigerator for one hour. This allows the salt to pull the juices out of the veggies.Now preheat the oven to 350° and chop the basil.Take the bowl out of the fridge and add the basil, balsamic vinegar and the oil. Mix it all up and add pepper.If you like cheese, add pieces of diced mozzarella to the mixture.Place the bowl back in the fridge.
Slice the whole wheat baguette and brush each piece with olive oil and sprinkle with a little garlic. Place on a cookie sheet and bake until the tops are slightly brown.Remove from the oven and place each piece of bread on a platter. Take the tomato and pepper mixture out of the fridge, give it a good stir and serve with the bread.
I got this recipe from FitSugar.Com YUM!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Quick Tip.

Protein shakes are delicious. They are a great way to get in some lean protein, and can be eaten on the go if needed. Blenders can be a pain though. Here is a quick cleaning tip for you. Once you make your shake rinse out your blender with water. Fill it up about 1/3 full with hot water and some dish soap, and then put the lid back on and blend up the water/soap solution. It is a great FAST way to clean your blender, and get all the way down to the blades. Rinse out the soap and set it on a towel to air dry. Easy as that!

Monday, December 14, 2009

I miss my Ipod...

I have been I-pod-less for almost a month now. SO sad. One day it worked, and the next, a solid white screen that beeped at me every now and again. I didn't realize how much I rely on my music to keep me pumped while I work out. It has been been really difficult to not have it, I will tell you that. A new one is most definitely on my Christmas wish list.
BUT, when I come back you'd better believe these will be on my newest workout playlist.

Try Sleeping With A Broken Heart - Alicia Keys
I Can Transform Ya (Feat. Lil Wayne) - Chris Brown
Marching On (Timbo Version) - Timbaland & One Republic
Do You Remember - Jay Sean
Crawl - Chris Brown
Russian Roulette - Rihanna
Paparazzi - Lady Gaga
(If You're Wondering if I Want You To) I Want You To - Weezer
Bad Romance (Radio Edit) - Lady Gaga
If We Ever Meet Again (Feat. Katie Perry) - Timbaland
Give It Up To Me (Feat. Lil Wayne) - Shakira
Meet Me Halfway - The Black Eyed Peas
Empire State of Mind - Jay-Z

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Do you want to know what I think? Well, apparently you do If you're reading this right now. I think that seeing this on my thermometer is NOT ok.
Do you want to know what else I think? Again, I'm just going to make assumptions. It is HARD to get to the gym when it's freezing like it is. My suggestions?
1. Avoid the temptation of NOT going. Once you get there you'll warm up, and be glad you went.
2. Wear Layers. If you dress like you're running outside because you're chilly, and then get to the gym and realize it's normal temp inside you might be a bit toasty, causing you to end your workout early. Providing comfy workout attire is essential. Dress normal, and then layer up, so you can workout appropriately.
3. If you absolutely can't get yourself there, be EXTRA good with what you're eating. Don't allow your lack of calorie burn to get you. Make up for it in eating like a pro.
4. Don't run outside. You'll regret it.
5. Stay with it. It's worth it!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Raw, Steamed, Frozen, Canned...SHEESH...

So you're learning to eat your fruits and veggies. Good for you. Buying fresh produce, remembering what you have, and being able to eat it all is an art. It's hard to do. It takes a lot of trips to the store, and it can be a lot of work. However, it is doable, and there are ways of making your "5-a-day" a little easier.
Fresh fruits and veggies are of course the best way to go, if possible. But, it should be remembered that every day your fresh fruits and veggies are not being eaten they are losing nutrients. So, if you are one to buy fruits and veggies and let them sit in your fridge for a week and a half until they are barely edible, you should probably find something else that will work for you.
Another good thing to note is that raw fruits and vegetables will hold the highest content of nutrients. Vegetables are water soluble, and when they are boiled in water some of the nutrients are leached out of the vegetables, and into the water. The best way to cook them is to steam them with a small amount of water. If you are going to boil your vegetables, eat them in a soup, and use the water in the soup. This way you're intaking all the nutrients.
Your other options? Frozen, canned, dried? In 1998, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) confirmed that frozen fruits and vegetables provide the same essential nutrients and health benefits as fresh.resh fruits and vegetables that have been blanched (cooked for a short time in boiling water or steamed) and/or flash frozen within hours of being picked. It should also be remembered that frozen fruits and vegetables are processed at their peak in terms of freshness and nutrition. So I'd say frozen is your next best option. You should avoid vegetables that come with "sauce" included. These usually just add a lot of fat and sodium.
Canned vegetables come in last place. They are usually cooked at high temperatures and lose a lot of nutrients. They are better option than none at all. Canned foods are usually loaded with sodium to aid in their preservation. So rinse them off before eating them.
With all this information, I would suggest you just make sure to have a variety of fruits and veggies from a variety of different sources. This way you'll be well rounded in your nutrients.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Put a little sprint in your step!

Getting bored with the same old routine? Sometimes your body get's used to the usual same old, and it's good to change things up a bit. An easy way to mix up your workout is to throw some of your own intervals into your normal cardio routine. It doesn't have to be complicated. Set a goal for yourself so you have some sort of program to follow. Want to go even simpler than that? Put on your favorite tunes and alternate your pace fast/normal with every other song, or sprint whenever the chorus comes. It's as easy as that!
For example: Decide that every 5 mins you are going to do two mins of sprints, or two mins on an incline. This will get your heart rate up and will help you burn some extra calories. It can be harder to get yourself to work out with this cold weather, but keep plugging along! It will be worth it, and these are the months where we need to keep at it most!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Health Nuts

I didn't used to like nuts. But, I've turned over a new leaf. I think they are quite delicious now, and they provide some great nutrition stats for you. Where all nuts do provide protein, and a great source of healthy fats, they can also be very high in calories if you aren't careful. So, what is a nut-lover to do? Go green. Pistachios!

They are a great snack and you get more bang for your buck as far as calories and fat are concerned.
Look at the comparison of one oz. of Pistachios vs. one oz. of Cashews.

Pistachios (49 nuts)
Calories – 160
Protein - 6 grams
Total Fat – 13 grams
Saturated Fat – 1.5 grams
Monounsaturated Fat – 7 grams
Polyunsaturated Fat – 4 grams
Fiber – 3 grams

Cashews – (18 nuts)
Calories – 160
Protein - 4 grams
Total Fat – 13 grams
Saturated Fat – 3 grams
Monounsaturated Fat – 8 grams
Polyunsaturated Fat – 2 grams
Fiber – 1 gram

Pistachios definitely win...and right in time for the holidays.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving Day Confessional.

It came and it went. I hope your Turkey Day was phenomenal. I'm sure a lot of your are thinking..."I really shouldn't have eaten that." I bet we could come up with a list of shouldn't haves, should haves, and wished we wouldn't have's. BUT, it's come and it has gone. So let's focus on the future, ok? What are you going to do from this point forward? What is your December going to look like?

THIS is what I want you to do. Set a December goal. You still have a couple days to decide what it's going to be. Some possible examples?
- No candy/treats from December 1st to December 24th
- A combo of 5 fruits and veggies every day for every month in December
- Drink 100 oz of water every day in December
- Get some form of physical activity every day of December
Get it? Got it? Good.
You guys know what it is you need to work on. Most people use December as a "throw away" month, thinking, " Oh i'll start in January. Don't be one of those people. There is no time like the present, and no reason to let yourself get one more month deep into your bad habits. Let's change something now, even if it's just one thing.

My goal for December: Write down/Fitday my food every single day. I'm still on my no sugar kick, so I feel like really concentrating on my exact food intake is where I need the focus. So what is your goal going to be? If you feel comfortable, leave it in the comments so you're committed to it!

p.s. The Hungry Girl Pumpkin pie was delicious. I'm a fan!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Some Thanksgiving Goodness

I love the Holidays. Thanksgiving is a great kick-off to the fun holiday season. It's also a jump start into the food fest that is November and December. Scary as it can be, keeping the holiday pounds off is doable. You have to decide to be in control of your situation. Here are some tips to beat Turkey Day this year.

1. Start your day off with a burn. Get yourself outside, to the gym, to your basement, to your local Turkey Trot. SOMETHING. You will more than likely eat more than usual, and if you take out the calories you'd burn on a normal exercising day, things could be S-C-A-R-Y.

2. Eat a great breakfast & lunch. Be EXCEPTIONALLY great. Try to avoid aimless snacking in between.

3. Choose to lighten up at least ONE of your favorite menu items. Take out the butter, switch out some applesauce for oil, use skim milk instead of cream, reduce the sugar and use some splenda...etc. etc. etc. You'll be surprised at how you may not even notice the change. Heck, you might even like it better.

4. Load up your plate in this order.
Lean Proteins.
Other Jazz...if it's calorically dense, and you're dying to have some. Do yourself a favor and just grab a taste of it.

5. Watch your appetizers. Go for the veggie tray, sans fatty dips. Avoid the cheese platter. Try not to go crazy with aimless handfuls of crackers. Be smart. Don't waste hundreds of calories on the pre-meal excitement. Remember there is the meal and dessert still to come.

6. Dessert can be a disaster. Pick one. Don't eat yourself sick. It's not worth it.

7. Gift your leftovers. Send them home with guests. Keep the good stuff. Lean turkey can make for a great meal/snack.

8. Be grateful. Remember what a blessing good health is. Remember how amazing your healthy body is.

Try this recipe for Healthy Pumpkin Pie. I'm excited to try this out tomorrow for my fam!
Here are some more yummy recipes you might be able to fit in to your holiday menu.
Oven Baked Sweet Potato Fries *a favorite of mine!

Happy Turkey day!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

This is going to be GREAT.

Today I got a new computer.
Which means...I'll finally be able to do a blog post that doesn't take 3 hours to upload due to a struggling computer.
I can't wait. This is going to be good.
Get excited.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Skinny Jeans Workout

They're in. Like them or you might as well learn to like them, and like the way you look in them as well.
Yep. Skinny Jeans. Follow this workout and those gams will surely be feeling it!

3 sets of each, alternating between exercises:

Round 1
alternate with
15 single leg lunges on the physio ball
(Stand with feet shoulder width apart in front of the physioball. Place one foot on top of ball, think shoe-laces down, and roll back into a lunge. Repeat on other side.)
15 Squats with the 50 lb bar
(on your shoulders, you can use dumbbells if needed)

Round 2
30 Walking Lunges
alternate with
12 Dead Lifts on Bench with bar/DB's
(Stand on a chair/bench/stair and hold your weight in front of your thighs. Keeping that back flat bend at the hips like you're going to touch your toes with the weight. If flexibility allows you to go down past your toes. Keep that back flat, shoulders back, and come back up slowly to standing.)

Round 3
Step ups on the bench with 15/20 lb DB's(15 on each leg)
alternate with
Single Leg Squats (15 on each leg) the end you want to have done 3 sets of each of these exercises. It should take you about 40 mins...and your legs should be toast by the end! If not, up the weight!! Now, go get your skinny on!

Friday, November 6, 2009


Today has been one of those days. I didn't get to work out. I feel like my eating was sub-par. Nothing horrible, but nothing to write home about. I think this week has just worn me down, and Friday has found me exhausted. I don't like these days; The days where I feel gross and like I'm not on my game. However, I am somewhat grateful for feeling this way today. I think I needed a little kick in the pants, so to speak, to get my butt back in gear again. Not, that I have been doing horrible, but I just know I can do better. Sometimes I think we get stuck in a rut of letting ourselves be average, and thinking that that is all we can do.
The truth is we CAN do better. We are capable of so much more than we think we are.
SO. Starting tomorrow I'm back into the mode.
- recording my food on (I swear this makes the BIGGEST difference)
- revving up my cardio
- making sure I get sufficient sleep
- watching my portions

Are you in need of some revamping? Do it!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

New Website/New Recipies Double yay!

I like to eat. I like to cook. I like what I eat and cook to be healthy, soooo I often find myself perusing through online recipes to find new great ways to eat deliciously healthy.

You'd better believe I was happy when I stumbled upon a new website full of healthy recipes!
I LOVE that at the bottom of each recipe, the full nutritional information is included.

Here is one recipe that I'm excited to try!

Chicken in Shells

Servings: 6


• 18 jumbo pasta shells
• 1 8-ounce package light cream cheese
• 3/4 cup skim milk
• 1/2 cup roasted sweet red peppers drained, chopped or one 4-ounce jar diced pimiento, drained (no oil pack)
• 3 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
• 2 cups diced cooked chicken breast
• 1 10-ounce package frozen chopped broccoli, thawed and drained
• 2 tablespoons green onion, thinly sliced
• 1/4 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper

Cook pasta shells according to package directions. Rinse with cold water; drain well.

In a heavy small saucepan stir light cream cheese and 1/4 cup of the milk over medium-low heat until smooth. Stir in remaining milk. Stir in sweet peppers or pimiento and Parmesan cheese; heat through.

In a large bowl stir together 3/4 cup of the sauce (place remaining sauce aside), the chicken, broccoli, onion, and black pepper. Using a small spoon, stuff shells with 2 to 3 tablespoons filling. Place in a 3-quart rectangular baking dish. Bake, covered, in a 350 degree F oven for 30 minutes or until heated through.

To serve, cook and stir remaining sauce over low heat until heated through. Put 3 shells on each serving plate. Spoon sauce over shells. Garnish with fresh parsley sprigs.

Per Serving: 341 Calories
9g Fat (24.4% calories from fat), 5g Saturated Fat
30g Protein
34g Carbohydrate
3g Dietary Fiber
69mg Cholesterol
325mg Sodium
Exchanges: 2 Grain (Starch); 3 1/2 Lean Meat; 1/2 Vegetable; 1 Fat; 0 Other Carbohydrates

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

*tWenTy-fIVe *

My office smells like latex and roses. This is why...

Today I turn the big 2-5 and an adorable friend of mine surprised me at work.
He's precious..and so are the rest of my friends and fam. Thanks for all the calls, texts, visits. I LOVE YOU!!! 25 is gonna be GOOD. :)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Healthy Pumpkin Pie Recipe

Hearing Pumpkin Pie and Healthy in the same sentence sounds absurd, I realize that. However, my love for pumpkin pie sent me on a mission to find a healthier version of these fall-ish delight. Now, when I say that I LOVE pumpkin pie it is not a joke. On my 8th birthday I had a pumpkin pie instead of a cake. THAT is how much I love it. After much searching I found a recipe from Hungry Girl that looked like it was worth trying. I am a HUGE fan of the Hungry Girl Recipes. She finds a way to make everything taste so great, so I'm sure it will be delish. Can't wait to try it!

Hungry Girl Healthy Pumpkin Pie

For Crust
2 cups Fiber One bran cereal (original)
1/4 cup light whipped butter or light buttery spread (like Brummel & Brown)
3 tbsp. Splenda No Calorie Sweetener (granulated)
1 tsp. cinnamon
For Filling
One 15-oz. can pure pumpkin (NOT pumpkin pie filling!)
One 12-oz. can evaporated fat-free milk
1/2 cup fat-free liquid egg substitute (like Egg Beaters Original)
3/4 cup Splenda No Calorie Sweetener (granulated)
1/4 cup sugar-free pancake syrup
1 tbsp. pumpkin pie spice
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/8 tsp. salt
Optional Topping: Fat Free Reddi-wip or Cool Whip Free

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

In a small microwave-safe bowl, combine butter with 2 tbsp. water. Microwave until just melted, and set aside. In a blender or food processor, grind Fiber One to a breadcrumb-like consistency.

In a medium mixing bowl, combine butter mixture and crumbs with remaining ingredients for crust. Stir until mixed well.

Spray an oven-safe 9-inch pie dish lightly with nonstick spray. Evenly distribute crust mixture, using your hands or a flat utensil to firmly press and form the crust. Press it into the edges and up along the sides of the dish. Set aside.

In a large mixing bowl, combine all ingredients for the filling. Mix well. Pour mixture into pie crust. The filling may be taller than the crust.

Bake pie in the oven for 45 minutes. Allow pie to cool slightly. Refrigerate for several hours, overnight if possible. Keep refrigerated until ready to serve.

Cut into 8 slices and, if you like, top with Reddi-wip or Cool Whip before serving!

Serving Size: 1 slice
Calories: 133
Fat: 3g
Sodium: 236mg
Carbs: 28g
Fiber: 9g
Sugars: 8g
Protein: 6g

My thoughts...The fiber one crust; GENIUS. The nutrition facts; amazing. (A regular piece of pumpkin pie usually has around 400 calories per slice!! YIKES!) I think this is a keeper!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Have a scare-free Halloween

Candy, donuts, cider, sweets, yep...the gang's all here. With a holiday centered around candy it's hard NOT to get carried away. The usual thought process goes something like this...

"I'm going to start being good after Halloween. This is just too hard."

A. Because you are SO much stronger than that. Give yourself some credit!
B. Because right after Halloween comes Thanksgiving. And let's be honest, Thanksgiving and Christmas are just one big collaborative holiday conglomeration. At that point you'll be saying to yourself...

"It will be my New Years resolution."

There you have it. Right back in the same spot your same excuses got you last January...and most likely, nothing has changed. SO, this year is going to be different. You're going to kick off the holiday season fighting. Looks like the, "trick" is on Halloween this time around.

What to do?
- Buy your candy last minute. Don't stock up on your goodies for the trick-or-treaters until the last second. That way you won't be tempted to eat your way through 1/2 the bag before All Hallows Eve.
-DON'T buy your favorites. If you'd swim across the Atlantic for some Peanut M&M's, don't buy them. Buy the Bit O' Honey's that you can easily say no to. Help yourself resist those temptations.
-Don't leave the leftovers in a giant bowl on your counter. That has, "Disaster Zone" written ALL over it. Take them to work. Take them to church. Heck...wrap them up in a big old darling bag and leave them on your neighbors doorstep. They'll just think you're being sweet. ;)
-Remember that even the "bite sized" treats add up. It may only be small, but lot's of small caloric choices make for big caloric differences.
-Opt out of the candy giving all together. Be the super cool neighbor who gave out fake vampire teeth, slap bracelets, or carrots sticks...ok, maybe the last one wouldn't go over so well, but you get the idea.
-Make your Halloween meal a healthy one. Click HERE for previous posts on all sorts of healthy DELISH recipes to fill your scared lil' bellies.

*A previous reader, Shell, asked if I'd ever done any fitness challenges with my readers. I haven't yet, but have always wanted to. I've got some in the works! If there is anything specific you'd want included in it let me know!! Thanks Shell :) And thanks to all of you who read and give me input. I love it!

Soy-licious Snack

I'm a snacker by nature. It's just who I am. Because of this I'm always on the lookout for healthy snacks that don't break the calorie bank. My new love as of late?....Edamame. If you haven't joined the ranks of the edamame-loving nation, it's about time you do so. These soy beans (which are considered a veggie) are filling, low-calorie, flavorful, high in protien, and extremely delicious. Edamame is sold in the pods, shelled, or mixed in with other veggie varieties.
My favorite way to eat them is the Seapoint Farms individually portioned containers that are sold in the frozen section at Costco.Each packet is only 99 calories and has 8 grams of protien...(amazing)...and they really are filling! Pop them in the microwave for 3 mins, add a little kosher salt, and you'll be sitting pretty. They are so yummy, and super fun to eat! Happy snacking!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Health-i-fied Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bread

There Is something about the fall that makes me want to bake with pumpkin, and cinnamon, and cloves, and all the things that smell delightfully fall-ish. I've been looking through all my recipes for one that looked delicious and healthy all at the same time, and I came across this one from It received numerous RAVE reviews, and I can't wait to try it out! I think it would be a great recipe to make into muffins as well.

Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bread


  • 2 cups sugar
  • 2 cups canned pumpkin
  • 1/2 cup canola oil (I think you could substitute 1/2 of this for applesauce)
  • 1/2 cup fat-free vanilla pudding
  • 4 large egg whites
  • 3 cups all-purpose flour (I'd maybe try using 1/2 whole wheat flour 1/2 white)
  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • 1 1/4 teaspoons salt
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
  • Cooking spray
(Photo from


Preheat oven to 350°.

Combine first 5 ingredients in a large bowl, stirring well with a whisk. Lightly spoon flour into dry measuring cups; level with a knife. Combine flour, cinnamon, salt, and baking soda in a medium bowl, stirring well with a whisk. Add flour mixture to pumpkin mixture, stirring just until moist. Stir in chocolate chips.

Spoon batter into 2 (8 x 4-inch) loaf pans coated with cooking spray. Bake at 350° for 1 hour and 15 minutes or until a wooden pick inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes in pans on a wire rack, and remove from pans. Cool completely on wire rack.

Nutritional Information

Calories: 152 (30% from fat)
Fat: 5g (sat 1.2g,mono 2.5g,poly 1.1g)
Protein: 2g
Carbohydrate: 26.5g
Fiber: 1.1g
Cholesterol: 0.0mg
Iron: 1mg
Sodium: 137mg
Calcium: 10mg

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Interval Training for Dummies

I have a lot of people ask me about interval training. The answer is YES, it's awesome. What exactly is interval involves brief bouts at near maximum amounts of exertion interspersed with periods of lower-intensity activity. Interval training helps you burn a TON of calories, and it boosts your metabolism. Intervals are very efficient. You burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time. Many people shy away from intervals because they don't want to have to time the segments, and don't want to worry about details of it all. Well, here are intervals made easy.

Here's what you do...grab your Ipod. Make a playlist of SWEET tunes that you can jam to, and push play.
With each song you're going to exercise at a normal, comfortable pace for the melody of the music, then every time the chorus comes on I want you go at it %110. Go crazy...up that intensity. Push yourself...then once the chorus is over, back to normal pace.

The great thing about this is that you can do this with ANY piece of equipment; treadmill, elliptical, or sidewalk.

Go at it!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Working out when under the weather

Being sick is NO fun. It interferes with everything. Trying to keep up your normal routine when you feel awful can be near impossible, especially when it comes to working out. With flu season upon us, I thought some do's and don't were in order.

You are OK to workout if: you have a head cold with no fever, or if you think it's more allergy related. A good rule of thumb to go by, if your symptoms are from the neck up, you should be ok. Just be sure to take it easy, and listen to your body.

You should probably stay home, (and see a Dr.) if: you are contagious, coughing, running a fever, nauseous, vomiting, severely achy, fatigued or have any sort of chest congestion.

Although sometimes working out when you have a slight cold can make you feel better and boost your energy, some people are convinced that it's always best to "sweat out the sickness." This can be very dangerous. If you put too much stress on your immune system it may prolong your illness and make it harder for your body to recuperate. It should be known that if you overdo it you will most likely pay for it. Breaking your routine may be difficult, but it will be worth it if it speeds up your recovery instead of prolongs it.