Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Date With The Littles

Today after work my sister texted me to come meet up with her and my little monkeys for a Yozone date. Yes please.
In attempt to get some shots of the babeskis...we got this...
and this...
and this...
and then Savy wanted to show my her chocolate beard...
Oh my gosh I love these little guys. 
 How can you not love these faces?
 I mean seriously?
 Good luck with family pics next week Linds...
Remember my post about eating like a kid?

Well here is proof of this...once again. 
Boston's fro yo upon finishing.
 And mine...
 No I didn't get a fresh bowl for this photo, I just licked mine clean. Man that stuff is just too good!

How in the world do you leave a bowl of frozen yogurt half eaten? Amazing...I wish I had that dis-interest in food. I was quite content with finishing every bite of my double oreo, peanut butter, and pistachio combo with a few banans and some slivered almonds on top. Yum. Yum. Yum. 

Some clients of mine this morning and I were talking about how some people prefer to have the whole real deal when it comes to ice cream and just not eat it very often, and how others prefer to have the lower fat less calorie option and feel like they can eat it more frequently. I think that different methods work for different people. I prefer the lower calorie option, but that doesn't mean that is the only way to go. It just means I like my treats, so I chose to eat something I can have more frequently!

Are you a full fat dessert eater that would rather have something really good every once and a while or one who prefers the lower fat/lower calorie option more frequently? What is your favorite fro yo combo? I get the same thing every time. I should probably branch out? Give me some good suggestions here??


Lindsey said...

I'll finish the froyo!! I'll take both...the real thing every great once in a while, and lower calorie stuff more often!

Keri @ The Blue-Eyed Runner said...

ahhhh they are too cute. I love full fat desserts once in awhile!

Holley @ Lunges and Lashes said...

i love seeing people's family so i get to see the resemblances! so cute! i would rather eat low calorie treats less often for sure. absolute no brainer. ;) your harry potter snack bags were the cutest! so creative!

Julia said...

they really are too cute!!! i would definitely rather maximize my number of treats and go with the low cal options. i seriously love all the fro-yo flavors and toppings...it is a dilemma every time I go there :)

Becky said...

I'm a full fat kind of girl. A once in a while treat (that actually fully satisfies the craving) is the way to go for me!

Rachelle Wardle said...

Love the pictures and definitely would rather have lower calorie more often. The more food I can eat for the fewer calories the better! :)

Thisisme said...

Those kiddos are too fun!! Love it! Love the red sox shirt too (;

I'm all about froyo everyday! Low calorie treat whenever I want is the way to go!

Anonymous said...

I like full fat treat frequently :) I guess that explains why I never loose weight!

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