Monday, July 18, 2011

Whatcha Wearin' ???

I am constantly in workout clothes. It seems like I always am on the hunt for good deals on active wear because it is all I wear. I thought I'd fill you in on what I've been wearing as of late...

I'm loving the neons these days.

I picked up THIS tank top from Forever 21 for $9.80. 
I actually got the orange and grey striped color, but this was the only one available online. It is SUPER soft and really bright. I love it. Sometimes I like to get the cheap-o tanks from places like F21 because all I do is sweat in em and wash em over and over again, so I just wear them until I wear them out. 

I picked up this grey and black striped Soffe tank at Sports Authority, but you can purchase it HERE for $9.99.
It is also available in some other REALLY cute colors. I like it because it's soft, long, and racer back. All favorites.

I got THESE shorts at Target.
They are reversible, and I love the neon green and yellow. These pictures are kinda horrible, so let me start by saying...
1) I do not tuck my tank tops in
2) I do not pull my shorts up to my belly button
3) the top waistband folds over, showing the other color at the same time.
4) they really are cute in person.
I realize these pics make them look like they are not-so-cute...but they're pretty cute. 

I also always love my Nike Tempo shorts and my Forever 21 Ribbed tanks for $3.50, and I am a HUGE fan of my Adidas running capris. I have some great Nike and Under Armor tanks that I like as well, but I wanted to focus on my cheap-o finds for the week!

What are your favorite workout clothing items?? Where are your favorite places to buy new gym clothes? I feel like all I do is wash and wear the same gym clothes over and over again. Probably because I do :)


Unknown said...

You and me both, sister! My "work uniform" is workout clothes because I teach dance and theatre. My students are astounded when I show up at the school looking like an adult! :)

In the summer I'm all about the yoga shorts and loose tanks! :) Love the Soffee one you posted!

Devan said...

i love F21!! and bright colours!! I think we both speak the same language of clothing ;)

Ashley said...

I usually hit up Target. I don't do shorts because well, when I run my thighs touch. No shorts here thank you very much. But their C9 running capris have served me rather well. Much better than the Under Armor capri tights that I got in April and have worn maybe once every other week since, that have a bazillion holes in them. Again, my thighs rubbed on them, but sheesh! Those things aren't cheap, you'd think they would hold up at least a little bit better!

Natalie said...

I've been buying stuff at Kohls lately. They've been sending out $10 off coupons in the mail, and they almost always have great sales on their workout clothes. I got a few shirts and some capris for less than $10 each!

Rene said...

I go through workout clothes like crazy - sometimes two outfits in one day. My favorite items are my Under Armor tank tops. They are long and super cute. I wish I could wear them all day, every day. I need more workout shorts since I have about 15 sports bras/tank tops and 4 only pairs of shorts.

Anonymous said...

I have a few tanks from forever 21. I also love my under armed tanks. They come in lots of fun colors. I recently invested in a pair of capri's from ayayay. I am in love with them. They are comfy, don't get saggy, and they help hide my saggy mom butt :)

Lindsey said...

I'm like that - it seems that all I do is wear\wash\wear\wash!

Mars said...

I love my cheapo f21 work out tops. I also love my Target workout clothes. I do love the cute expensive stuff but I feel like I wear them out a lot and there is still cute cheap stuff. I LOVE LuLu Lemon stuff but it's major expensive! Nord Rack, Ross, Marshalls and Target are good places to find deals on workout clothes too. it's just more of a hunt for the cute stuff :) I have an addiction to workout clothes. Good thing I wear them often!

Unknown said...

oh I will be making my way to forever 21. I am a gap girl all the way. Their new workout gear is awesome too!

Rachelle Wardle said...

I love target and for running clothes. I CANNOT do cotton because I sweat like a mad women.

Julia said...

okay...kinda loving this post because i have been feeling a running clothes shopping spree coming on for a while now :) crazy though because workout clothes are taking over my my drawers won't shut. the other day i considered buying a dresser solely for workout clothes. that is normal right? haha!

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