Not only are my clients and coworkers the funnest people in the world. They are the most generous too. Can you believe all these goods?? I can't. still. Apparently I talk about frozen yogurt as much as I eat it because I received several gift cards for fro yo. Yes please. Anyone want to join me?

My mom is so incredibly festive. I love it. There is nothing better than walking into a house decorated to the max. She has instilled in me, a love for the holidays because she makes them so special. It is just so fun :)
If you look closely you can see short haired, blonde, bobbed, high school Megan in the background...
Speaking of Christmas...
Here are my final holiday survival tips for you:
- Drink LOTS of water. Water is great way to detox your body from all of the junk! It also will help keep you full and less snacky.
- Choose the best things, not everything. It's Christmas. More than likely there are going to be some foods that you just don't get to eat all year round. Let yourself indulge, but just don't go crazy. Instead of wasting your time eating the crappy, over cooked, run-of-the-mill cookie your neighbor brought by, eat your grandma's special caramels that she only makes once a get it.
- Move. Workout if you can. If you can't take everyone sledding, go skiing, shovel snow. Turn the kitchen cooking session into a dance party. I love a good kitchen dance party.
- Remember what you're altogether for. Christmas is about celebrating the relationships and the people we love. Stop focusing on the food and focus on the PEOPLE. They will love you back. Those triple stack oreo's covered in chocolate drizzled in caramel rolled in peppermint dusted with sugar, won't. (Although that might be a good invention...)
- Enjoy yourself. I am one who tends to feel guilty for eating bad food, and not exercising. My goal this Christmas is to avoid those feelings. Exercise when I can, eat the best I can, and most importantly enjoy how blessed I am to be with so many people I love. I encourage you to do the same!! If things don't go perfectly. It's ok. You can start fresh after Christmas.
Oh, and also speaking of Christmas...tomorrow I'll announce who wins the Christmas Mix Giveaway. I can't wait!
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