Saturday, May 21, 2011

Oh The Things I Would Do...

My mom told me I could go pick some fresh tomatoes from the garden yesterday. Heaven.
 Tell me those aren't absolutely beautiful. All I could do was think...oh the things I would do and make and create if I had a garden of my own.
 Unfortunately my condo in Provo is pretty optionless as far as a garden goes. We don't even get enough sunlight on my porch to have a potted plant.
So, for now I will just be jealous, and dream of the fresh things that I would make...if I could. 
A fresh Greek Salad
Chicken Scampi with fresh tomatoes
a variety of omelets with veggies galore
my favorite easy veggies soup
and of course a constant flow of low fat zucchini cookies. Why else do you grow zucchini?
But yesterday I just stuck with this combo...
It was straight up divine.

What is your favorite way to enjoy garden fresh goodness? My absolute favorite garden item is fresh tomatoes, but if it's fresh and it's from the garden, you better believe I will be eating it. I think everything tastes better fresh. Don't you? Are you planting a garden this year? What veggie/fruit are you most excited for?


*Allie* said...

My dad has a garden, and I am super jealous too. In the fall, I use his veggies to make a moroccan stew. Here's the recipe:

ruth said...

oh man this post just made me crave tomatoes!!! i LOVE any fruit or veggie in season.. if you can smell them even before you bite into them, the taste is like 100X better! I wish I had a garden! but SO sweet that you can "borrow" some veggies from your mom!

Julia said...

So jealous of their garden! I really cannot wait to have a garden. When I lived in Payson I grew some things on our porch but now I do not have a balcony porch thing and the sunlight is not very good for plant growing outside of my door. BOO. It will be so wonderful to have my own yard some day :)

Anonymous said...

wow those tomatos look so plump and delightful! I wish I could have a garden, but I tend to kill anything I put in the ground. I am hoping to learn soon. I really want some fresh fruits.

Q said...

I don't have a garden, but I love slicing up a whole tomato, then just eating the slices. Sometimes with salt, sometimes with bocconcini.

Jody @ Raising Fin and Fish said...

I just put my seedlings into the ground last week. I have tomatoes, peppers, beans, peas, carrots, cucumbers and cilantro. I'm probably most excited for the cilantro - hello homemade pico de gallo.

Lisa said...

MMMM, I love fresh tomatoes right off the vines! I used to pick cherry tomatoes at my grandmas house and just eat so many, perfection!

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